This episode of Yellow Jackets Confidential explores the tradition of stealing the Whistle, a campus relic, at Georgia Tech, and its connection to the Dark Academia aesthetic. The Whistle is a longstanding tradition at Georgia Tech, and the theft of it has become a dangerous and mystified practice on campus. The first time the Whistle was stolen was in 1902 by a group of students known as the “Magnificent Seven”. Spencer, an expert on secret societies, explains that secret societies at Georgia Tech are nothing new and have emerged over the years to serve the campus anonymously or to commit crimes that could not be pulled off alone. The Magnificent Seven was a society made up of seven fraternity brothers who became famous for their theft of the Whistle. The Whistle theft inspired a copycat case in 1963, and this group of students would also be involved in the trend of stealing the “T’s” off Tech tower. Kirti, an expert on Dark Academia and the Secret History, discusses the lengths students were willing to go to participate and revive the dangerous and risky practice of stealing the Whistle. This fascination with tradition and history is prevalent in the Dark Academia aesthetic, where students look to historicism to contextualize their experiences and give purpose and meaning to their lives.