The ES-SSA 2024 Annual Meeting will be hosted by Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, Georgia. The meeting will take place in-person with technical sessions on 21-22 October 2024, and a local field trip on 20 October 2024. Additional details will be announced soon.
While ES-SSA focuses primarily on advancing earthquake science in Central and Eastern North America and intraplate seismology, the ES-SSA Annual Meeting also welcome contributions from other aspects of earthquake sciences and seismology. These include, but not limited to: earthquake geology, induced earthquakes, near-surface geophysics, tectonic geodesy, statistical seismology, machine learning and earthquake engineering.
Zhigang Peng, Georgia Tech
Andy Newman, Georgia Tech
Email: easternsectionmeeting@seismosoc.org
The latest program and detailed schedule (last updated 10/17/2024) | Official Link at the SSA website (including onsite registration)
Link to all the abstracts submitted to this meeting (to be lated later) | Link to all the proposed special sessions
Poster Board Size: 40” Height x 60” Width | Google Link to upload your presentation