
Divya Srivastava Presents at 5th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications (HUCAPP 2021)

FEB 10, 2021 — 3rd-year CEC graduate student, Divya Srivastava, presents her work, “Effect of Interaction Design of Reinforcement Learning Agents on Human Satisfaction in Partially Observable Domains” virtually at the 5th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications (HUCAPP 2021). The work is coauthored by Spencer Frazier (GT’s Human-Centered AI Lab), Dr. […]

ONR – Overall Decision Making Process Simulation

Decision makers are consistently asked to make decisions about the course of action required to achieve mission success regardless of the time pressure and the quantity and quality of information available. To be successful, they will adapt their decision strategies to the environment and even use heuristics, simple rules that use little information and can […]

NASA Authority & Autonomy 2010-2013

NextGen systems are envisioned to be composed of human and automated agents interacting with dynamic flexibility in the allocation of authority and autonomy. The analysis of such concepts of operation requires methods for verifying and validating that the range of roles and responsibilities potentially assignable to the human and automated agents does not lead to […]