We are extraordinarily fortunate to work with many outstanding collaborators. Click on the links below to be taken to their web sites.
Immunology and Chemical Biology
Luc Teyton, MD, PhD
Professor, Department of Immunology and Microbiology
Scripps Research
anti-carbohydrate immunology
Paul Savage, PhD
Professor, Department of Chemistry
Brigham Young University
anti-carbohydrate immunology
Nick Housley, PhD, DPT, PT
Assistant Professor, School of Biological Sciences
Georgia Institute of Technology
cancer targeting and neurobiology
Susan Thomas, PhD
Professor, School of Mechanical Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology
antigen and adjuvant delivery
Catherine Grimes, PhD
Professor, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
University of Delaware
anti-carbohydrate immunology
Laura Kiessling, PhD
Novartis Professor, Department of Chemistry
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
immunological cell targeting
Jason Goldstein and the ImmunoDiagnostic Development Laboratory
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
antibodies against things that can hurt you
Bruce Torbett, Greg Melikian, Stefan Sarafianos, and the B-HIVE Center
University of Washington, Seattle Children’s, Emory University, and others
mechanisms of HIV cellular trafficking
Mike Kulis, PhD; Brian Vickery, MD
UNC Children’s Research Institute
Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta
vaccines against peanut allergy
New York Structural Biology Center
Mykhailo (Misha) Kopylov and colleagues
Simons Electron Microscopy Center
virus-like particle structure and evolution
Gabe Kwong
Associate Professor, Wallace H. Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering, Georgia Tech
enzyme-based cancer diagnostics
Eric Gaucher
Professor, Department of Biology, Georgia State University
packaging and delivery of ancestral metabolic enzymes
Membranes and Materials
Ryan Lively, PhD
Professor, School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Georgia Tech
membrane materials for molecular separations
Rampi Ramprasad, PhD
Professor and Michael E. Tennenbaum Family Chair
School of Materials Science and Engineering, Georgia Tech
functional and recyclable polymeric materials
Blair Brettmann, PhD
Assistant Professor, School of Materials Science and Engineering
Georgia Tech
recyclable materials
Yuhang Hu, PhD
Associate Professor, School of Mechanical Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology
degradable materials
ExxonMobil Technology and Engineering
Simon Weston, Joseph Gatt, Neel Rangnekar, Lisa Baugh, Bennett Marshall, others
carbon capture and energy-saving membrane-based molecular separations
Ben McCool, J.R. Johnson, others
new polymers for carbon capture