Andy Chang

 Andy Chang

hchang313 at gatech dot edu
M.S., Chemical Engineering: Imperial College London (2022)
B.S., Chemical Engineering: Imperial College London (2021)

CEO of 2309

Project: Continuous Electrocatalytic Production of Platform Chemicals and Hydrogen by Coelectrolysis

Project Description: Production of hydrogen via water electrolysis is limited by the thermodynamics and kinetics of the Oxygen Evolution Reaction (OER). Coupled by the need to electrochemically manufacture commodity chemicals in the US, my project focuses on enhancing hydrogen production by co-producing hydrogen and bypassing OER. These will reduce costs, lower industrial heat requirements, and achieve carbon-neutral manufacturing. Through anodic partial oxidations and tandem cathodic hydrogen evolution reactions, my project aims to simultaneously generate commodity chemicals and hydrogen with lower energy demands and reduced CO2 emissions compared to conventional methods. Research aims include integrating computational screening, experimental methods, and in situ spectroscopy to advance catalyst discovery, material knowledge, and process design, ultimately contributing to innovative electrocatalytic processes for more cost-effective hydrogen production.