Jieun Lee

 Jieun Lee

jlee4174 at gatech dot edu
B.S., Chemical Engineering: Hanyang University (2018)
M.S., Chemical Engineering: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (2019)

CEO of 1315

Project:  Direct reduction of ester to ethers

Project Description:  Ethers are of great interest for industrial application and have a large market, for example, in surfactants or industrial solvents. Previous attempts to produce ether have had environmental and economic problems. In this study, we are examining zeolite-based, heterogenous catalysts for direct reduction of ester to ether using hydrogen. Kinetic study along with characterizations will lead us to a better understanding of the reaction networks and mechanisms of ester reduction to ether on metal zeolite catalyst. Also, this study aims to provide a catalyst design principle for high biomass-derived ether formation rates and selectivity.