Perception and action are inherently linked. Animals select actions based on their perception of the environment, yet those very actions impact their perception of the environment. The FLAP MURI team seeks to uncover how an animal’s perception changes depending on behavioral decisions.
Quantifying pitch control through electrical stimulation
Leo Wood, Joy Putney, and Simon Sponberg
Consistent coordination patterns underlying near perfect decoding for movement classification
Joy Putney, Leo Wood, Marko Angjelichinoski, Rob Ravier, Silvia Ferrari, Vahid Tarokh, and Simon Sponberg
Testing for descending precision
Leo Wood and Simon Sponberg
Usama Bin Sikandar, Hengye Yang, Hannah Choi, Silvia Ferrari, Simon Sponberg
How do task-relevant, dynamic feature spaces enable rapid decisions in complex visual environments?
Elina Barredo, Jamie Theobald
Rapid position locking and memory
Varun Sharma and Simon Sponberg
Identifying age related differences in flight performance
Elina Barredo, Haoming Yang, Suya Wu, Simon Sponberg, Vahid Tarokh, Jamie Theobald
Trim map of a hawk moth-inspired flapping wing micro aerial vehicle
Hewenxuan (Vincent) Li, Xinyu Yang, Usama bin Sikandar, Simon Sponberg, Sylvia Ferrari