Sosuke Ichihashi

Sosuke Ichihashi's headshot

Personal website

Sosuke Ichihashi is a Ph.D. candidate in Digital Media, Georgia Tech (advisor: Noura Howell).
He creates new media to gain insights into how people perceive and engage with the world. He approaches this in a variety of ways, going back to debates in philosophy, the arts, media theory and computer science in its early days, as well as augmenting human perception by considering human perceptual and bodily mechanisms.

Swarm Body (CHI ’24)
ThermoBlinds (SIGGRAPH ’22 E-Tech)


International Conferences
  1. Sosuke Ichihashi, So Kuroki, Mai Nishimura, Kazumi Kasaura, Takefumi Hiraki, Kazutoshi Tanaka, and Shigeo Yoshida. Swarm Body: Embodied Swarm Robots. In Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’24). 2024. Popular Choice Honorable Mention Award. doi

  2. Sosuke Ichihashi, Arata Horie, Masaharu Hirose, Zendai Kashino, Shigeo Yoshida, Sohei Wakisaka, and Masahiko Inami. ThermoBlinds: Non-Contact, Highly Responsive Thermal Feedback for Thermal Interaction. In Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques Conference Emerging Technologies (SIGGRAPH ’22 Emerging Technologies ). 2022. doi

  3. Sosuke Ichihashi, Arata Horie, Zendai Kashino, Shigeo Yoshida, and Masahiko Inami. The effect of temperature presentation according to the gaze of others on remote communications. International Symposium on Measurement and Control in Robotics 2021 (ISMCR 2021). 2021. Program

  4. Sosuke Ichihashi, Arata Horie, Masaharu Hirose, Zendai Kashino, Shigeo Yoshida, and Masahiko Inami. High-Speed Non-Contact Thermal Display Using Infrared Rays and Shutter Mechanism. In Adjunct Proceedings of the 2021 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing and Proceedings of the 2021 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers (UbiComp-ISWC ’21 Adjunct). 2021. Best Paper Award. doi

Domestic Conferences
  1. Sosuke Ichihashi, Arata Horie, Zendai Kashino, Shigeo Yoshida, and Masahiko Inami. The effect of temperature presentation according to the gaze of others on remote communications. The 26th Annual Conference of Virtual Reality Society of Japan (VRSJ 2021). 2021. in Japanese. PDF (JPN)
  2. Sosuke Ichihashi, Arata Horie, Zendai Kashino, Shigeo Yoshida, and Masahiko Inami. High-Response Thermal Presentation by Controlling Infrared Radiant Intensity using a Shutter Mechanism. Information Processing Society of Japan Entertainment Computing 2021. 2021. in Japanese. PDF (JPN)
  3. Sosuke Ichihashi, Arata Horie, Hiroto Saito, Zendai Kashino, and Masahiko Inami. Preliminary Study on Orientation Perception with Far Infrared Stimulus. The Society of Instrument and Control Engineering System Integration Division Conference. 2020. in Japanese. Program (JPN)

Other Works
  1. UT Austin GEO 327G GIS & GPS Applications in Earth Sciences: Maps of the Week. PDF
  2. UT Austin GEO 327G GIS & GPS Applications in Earth Sciences: Class Project. PDF
  3. Graduation Thesis at Kyoto University: Combinatorial Optimization for Parameter Identification of a Rainfall-Runoff Model Applied to 120 Dam River Basins in Japan.
  4. JSPS Science Dialogue Program: Lecture at Akashi Kita Science High School. Report
  5. Article about my exchange at UT Austin. Report