Interdisciplinary Collaboration for Graduate Students, May 28 to 29. This online workshop covered the basics of teamwork in research teams, from the perspective of graduate student participants.
For students or staff who wished to be trained to facilitate the workshop material in other settings later, there were additional orientation and debrief sessions ahead of and after the workshop.
Thursday, May 28
Noon – 12:30 Orientation to the project for Train the Trainer participants
1 – 2:30 pm Welcome and Introductions, Innovation and Productivity in Teams [followed by short assessment survey]
3:00 – 4:30 pm Diversity: Identities, Contribution & Values [followed by short assessment survey]
Friday, May 29
9 – 10:15 Effective Communication [followed by short assessment survey]
10:30 – 11:45 Leveraging and Managing Conflict; workshop wrap-up and reflection [followed by short assessment survey]
Noon – 12:30 Debrief and introduction to the facilitator guide for Train the Trainer participants