Last weekend I attended a few talks at the SIMODE Expo online conference, one of which was a talk by the three students who I coached last fall for a mathematical modeling challenge. Congratulations again to Royce Arockiasamy, Henry Bui, and Adi Krish – their outstanding teamwork in the SCUDEM modeling challenge last fall led them to be offered with a chance to present their work at the SIMODE Expo last weekend.
Their talk was titled SCUDEM Outstanding Award Team: Humans Don’t Deserve the World — Modeling the Introduction of Humans to a Predator-Prey System. They summarized their work, how they prepared for the challenge, some of the feedback they received from judges, and some of what they learned and appreciated from having a chance to participate in the challenge.
The conference organizers posted a recording of their session on YouTube.
For a summary of what they presented, here is their conference abstract:
In the Fall of 2022, our team competed in SCUDEM VII hosted by SIMIODE, where we received the highest distinction – Outstanding Award. Our goal was to study humans’ effects on predator-prey populations when they populate an area. In this talk, we would like to go over how we prepared for and solved Problem C, present our equations and their derivations, explain our models, go over some of the feedback from the judges, and talk about how the SCUDEM challenge benefited us as students. See the Outstanding Team Video video posted on SIMIODE’s YouTube Channel.
The GT School of Math kindly helped pay for their registration.