Current Projects

Open Multivariable Calculus

This project is part of the Open Course Project (OCP), which aims to support student success in undergraduate mathematics courses. Through support from the Center for Promoting Inclusion and Equity in the Sciences and Affordable Learning Georgia, this project involves the development of open curriculum through public websites that Georgia Tech students can use as a refresher or as a supplement to their learning. 

The OCP aims to benefit several student groups who need a refresher and/or additional practice, including undergraduate students enrolled in these courses, students in upper-level courses that use our courses as pre-requisites, and transfer students and other students who are re-entering college for an undergraduate or graduate program after an extended time away from college.

The OCP is developing Canvas sites for College Algebra, Precalculus, Multivariable Calculus and Statistics. My focus has been on the multivariable calculus component of this project. More details in this article from C-PIES.


I am developing instructional resources and coaching teams for the annual SIMIODE Challenge Using Differential Equations Modeling (SCUDEM), which is a 3-student group mathematical modeling challenge that runs every year in the fall.

Typically the challenge starts in October and runs for a few weeks.

Each team submits a 10 minute video which is reviewed by at least three judges. The mathematical challenge is approachable to anyone who has completed an integral calculus course, and teams and coaches can meet remotely. Although many students approach the challenge problems with differential equations, it isn’t necessary to have completed a differential equations course to participate. Each team of three students must register with a coach.

I would be happy to coach more students for the next SCUDEM challenge in fall 2025! If you are interested please send me an email so we can organize teams and get everyone ready to participate. I recommend that your team put in at least 5 to 10 hours to prep, which can be done any time leading up to the challenge period.

Transitioning to Open Textbooks

The GT School of Math has been exploring the use of Open Textbooks and WeBWorK over the last few years, as it opens the door to potentially reducing textbook costs for students. I am helping in various ways by helping develop online homework exercises.

Natural Language Processing of Student Survey Data

Reviewing and responding to responses that are gathered in start-of-semester and mid-semester course surveys can be a challenge, especially in large enrollment courses. This is especially the case when surveys include open-response questions that allow students to articulate their needs or offer course feedback by writing brief statements or short essays.

These survey questions can generate a large data set that is difficult to process efficiently.

I am helping develop a set of processes that incorporate NLP and python to reveal insights in survey data and improve the support that students receive.

Past Research Projects

My past research has been focused on the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) particularly on the areas of higher education and online learning. During my time as a graduate student I studied medical imaging and image processing.


A complete list of my publications can be found on my Research Gate profile.

Mayer, G., & Sekayi, D. (2018). Pedagogical Practices of Teaching Assistants in Polysynchronous Classrooms: The Role of Professional Autonomy. InSight: A Journal of Scholarly Teaching, 13, 130-149.

Mayer, G., Lingle, J., Usselman, M. (2017). Student involvement, satisfaction, and cohesion in synchronous online recitations mediated over web conferencing software. Educational Technology & Society, 20(2), 15-26. PDF

Mayer, G. (2016). Small Group Work and Whole Group Discussion Mediated Through Web Conferencing Software. International Journal for Scholarship of Technology Enhanced Learning, 1(1). PDF

Mayer, G., Hendricks, C. (2014). Interaction Patterns in Synchronous Online Calculus and Linear Algebra Recitations. Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration, 7(2). PDF

Mayer, G., Vrscay, E., (2007). Measuring information gain for frequency-encoded super-resolution MRI. Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 25(7).