The ARM initiative supports research that advances autonomous physical experimentation for materials development and design.
In 2011 the Materials Genome Initiative (MGI) was launched to “discover, develop, and deploy new materials twice as fast” by using AI and Machine Learning principles to more efficiently guide the R&D process towards commercialization.
What has been realized is that the physical data generation rates can’t keep pace with the AI/ML processing speed – the BRAINS move faster than the ARMs.
GT ARM supports efforts to help those appendages “catch up” by creating more adaptable and accessible autonomous robotic systems that can accelerate physical experimentation for synthesizing, characterizing, and measuring the properties of new materials – and then feeding that data to AI/ML systems to realize MGI’s ultimate goal of faster materials deployment.
Research Areas of Interest
- Robotics for Materials Research
- Self-Driving Laboratories
- Imitation Learning
- Computer Vision
- Research Automation
- Materials for Informatics
- AI/ML for Materials Science