The Geometry and Topology Research Seminar regularly meets on Monday at 2:00 in Skiles 006 unless otherwise indicated.
Spring 2025
Date | Title | Speaker | Institute |
April 21 | TBA | Diana Hubbard | Brooklyn College, CUNY |
April 14 | TBA Start at 4:30 |
Tye Lidman | NCSU |
April 14 | TBA Start at 3:00 |
Tom Mark | UVA |
April 7 | TBA | Daren Chen | Cal Tech |
Mar 31 | TBA | Ryan Dickmann | Vanderbilt |
Mar 24 | |||
Mar 17 | No Seminar: Spring Break | ||
Mar 10 | TBA | Jie Min | University of Massachusetts Amherst |
Mar 3 | TBA | Zhenkun Li | University of South Florida |
Feb 26 | Anosov representations of cubulated hyperbolic groups Note this is a Wednesday |
Theodore Weisman | University of Michigan |
Feb 24 | Poincaré Algorithm for Non-compact Lie Groups | Yukun Du | UGA |
Feb 17 | On the relative symplectic Thom Conjecture UGA Boyd 322, Start at 4:30 |
Katherine Raoux | U. Arkansas |
Feb 17 | Braid varieties from several perspectives UGA Boyd 322, Start at 3:00 |
Lenny Ng | Duke |
Feb 10 | Branched covers and SU(2)-representations | Juanita Pinzon-Caicedo | Notre Dame |
Feb 3 | Is the geography of Heegaard Floer homology restricted or is the L-space conjecture false? | Antonio Alfieri | UGA |
Jan 27 | Symmetries of Legendrian links and their exact Lagrangian fillings | James Hughes | Duke |
Jan 20 | No Seminar: MLK Day | ||
Jan 13 | Strongly exceptional Legendrian connected sum of two Hopf links | Youlin Li | Shanghai Jiao Tong University |
Fall 2024
Date | Title | Speaker | Institute |
Dec 9 | Dehn twist and smooth mapping class group of 4-manifolds | Anubhav Mukherjee | Princeton |
Dec 2 | Bounding non-integral non-characterizing Dehn surgeries | Patricia Sorya | UQAM |
Nov 25 | Prym Representations and Twisted Cohomology of the Mapping Class Group with Level Structures | Xiyan Zhong | Notre Dame |
Nov 18 | Contact invariants in bordered Floer homology UGA Boyd 322, Start at 4:30 |
Hyunki Min | UCLA |
Nov 18 | Spinal open books and symplectic fillings with exotic fibers UGA Boyd 322, Start at 3:00 |
Luya Wang | Institute for Advanced Study |
Nov 11 | Concave foliated flag structures and Hitchin representations in SL(3,R) by Max Riestenberg | Max Riestenberg | Max Plank Institute |
Nov 4 | What is efficiency in locomotion? | Dan Irvine | Kennesaw State University |
Oct 21 | Small symplectic fillings of Seifert fibered spaces Start at 4:30 in Skiles 005 |
Bülent Tosun | U. Alabama |
Oct 21 | Categorifying the Four Color Theorem Start at 3:00 in Skiles 005 |
Scott Baldridge | LSU |
Oct 14 | No Seminar: Fall Break | ||
Oct 7 | A Lorentzian manifold-with-boundary where causality breaks down due to shock singularities | Leo Abbrescia | Georgia Tech |
Oct 2 | Introduction to Bergman geometry Note this is Wednesday seminar |
Jihun Yum | Gyeongsang National University |
Sept 30 | Existence of optimal flat ribbons | Matteo Raffaelli | Georgia Tech |
Sept 23 | Exotic families of objects in four dimensions and parameterized gauge theory | Dave Auckly | Kansas State |
Sept 16 | More homology cobordism invariants | Jen Hom | Georgia Tech |
Sept 9 | Symplectic Normal Crossing Divisors, and Non-Affine Symplectic Manifolds Start at 1:00 and is in Skiles 005 |
Randy Van Why | Georgia Tech |
Sept 2 | No Seminar: Labor Day | ||
Aug 26 | Half grid diagrams and Thompson links | Half grid diagrams and Thompson linksShunyu Wan | Georgia Tech |
Spring 2024
Date | Title | Speaker | Institute |
Jul 22 | Contact surgery numbers | Rima Chatterjee | U. Cologne |
Apr 24 | The Giroux correspondence via convex surfaces Note this is Wednesday seminar |
Vera Vértesi | U. Vienna |
Apr 22 | Twist positivity, Lorenz knots, and concordance | Siddhi Krishna | Columbia |
Apr 1 | Ribbon disks for the square knot Start at 4:30 |
Alex Zupan | University of Nebraska – Lincoln |
Apr 1 | A Staircase Proof for Contact Non-Squeezing Start at 3:00 |
Lisa Traynor | Bryn Mawr College |
Mar 18 | No Seminar: Spring Break | ||
Mar 4 | Monopole Floer spectra of Seifert spaces | Matt Stoffregen | MSU |
Feb 26 | Orogenesis of Lagrangian Morin ridges UGA Boyd 322, Start at 4:30 |
Daniel Alvarez-Gavela | MIT |
Feb 26 | Symplectic annular Khovanov homology and knot symmetry UGA Boyd 322, Start at 3:00 |
Kristen Hendricks | Rutgers |
Feb 23 | Contact surgeries and symplectic fillability Note this is Friday seminar and runs 10:30 to 12:00, Skiles 249 |
Bülent Tosun | IAS and U. Alabama |
Feb 19 | Corks for exotic diffeomorphisms | Terrin Warren | UGA |
Feb 12 | New algebraic invariants of Legendrian links | Lenhard Ng | Duke |
Feb 5 | Projective Rigidity of Circle Packings | Mike Wolf | Ga Tech |
Jan 29 | Heegaard Floer Homology and Closed Exotic 4-Manifolds | Adam Levine | Duke |
Jan 15 | No Seminar: MLK Day | ||
Jan 8 | Geometric Structures for the G_2’ Hitchin Component | Parker Evans | Rice University |
Fall 2023
Date | Title | Speaker | Institute |
Dec 4 | Long simple curves on hyperbolic surfaces and the geometry of their complements by Aaron Calderon | Aaron Calderon | University of Chicago |
Nov 13 | Products of locally conformal symplectic manifolds UGA Boyd 322, Start at 3:00 |
Kevin Sackel | UMass Amherst |
Nov 13 | Knot Homology, Fusion Numbers, and Symmetric Unions UGA Boyd 322, Start at 4:30 |
Michael Willis | Texas A&M |
Oct 30 | The Burau representation and shapes of polyhedra | Ethan Dlugie | UC Berkeley |
Oct 23 | |||
Oct 18 | An algorithm for comparing Legendrian links | Ivan Dynnikov | Steklov Mathematical Institute |
Oct 16 | Computing the embedded contact homology chain complex of the periodic open books of positive torus knots Start at 4:30 |
Morgan Weiler | Cornell |
Oct 16 | Towards Khovanov homology for links in general 3-manifolds Start at 3:00 |
Sergei Gukov | Caltech |
Oct 9 | No Seminar: Fall Break | ||
Oct 2 | The L^p metrics on Teichmüller space | Hannah Hoganson | UMD |
Sept 25 | The Giroux correspondence in dimension 3 | Joseph Breen | University of Iowa |
Sept 18 | Corks Equivalent to Fintushel-Stern Knot-Surgery | Charles Stein | NYU |
Sept 11 | Convexity and rigidity of hypersurfaces in Cartan-Hadamard manifolds | Mohammad Ghomi | Ga Tech |
Sept 4 | No Seminar: Labor Day | ||
Aug 28 | Automorphisms of the fine 1-curve graph | Roberta Shapiro | Ga Tech |
Aug 21 | Non-positive Stein-fillable open books of genus one | Vitalijs Brejevs | University of Vienna |
Spring 2023
The Geometry and Topology Seminar will sometimes be run in-person and sometimes on-line. If the title has an * by it, then it will be an on-line seminars and a link will be sent to the geometry-topology group before each seminar. In-person seminars will be in Skiles 006. Talks start at 2:00.
Date | Title | Speaker | Institute |
May 1 | Extension of homeomorphisms and vector fields of the circle: From Anti-de Sitter to Minkowski geometry. | Farid Diaf | Université Grenoble Alpes |
Apr 24 | Quantum invariants of surface diffeomorphisms and 3-dimensional hyperbolic geometry | Francis Bonahon | USC |
Apr 17 | Symplectic trisections and connected sum decompositions Start at 4:30 |
Peter Lambert-Cole | UGA |
Apr 17 | Jones diameter and crossing numbers of satellite knots Start at 3:00 |
Effie Kalfagianni | MSU |
Apr 10 | On skein modules of rational homology spheres | Adam Sikora | SUNY Buffalo |
Apr 3 | On the doubling construction of Legendrian submanifolds | Agniva Roy | Georgia Tech |
Mar 27 | A comparison between SL_n spider categories | Anup Poudel | Ohio State |
Mar 20 | No Seminar: Spring Break | ||
Mar 17 | Bilinear pairings on two-dimensional cobordisms and generalizations of the Deligne category Start at 4:30, note talk on Friday |
Radmila Sazdanovic | North Carolina State |
Mar 17 | Links of surface singularities: Milnor fillings and Stein fillings Start at 3:00, note talk on Friday |
Olga Plamenevskaya | Stony Brook |
Mar 17 | Aspherical 4-manifolds and (almost) complex structures | Luca Di Cerbo | University of Florida |
Mar 17 | Reverse isoperimetric problems under curvature constraints | Kateryna Tatarko | University of Waterloo |
Mar 15 | Quotients of the braid group and the integral pair module of the symmetric group | Matt Day | U Arkansas |
Mar 13 | New approach to character varieties: nilpotent is the new holomorphic | Alexander Thomas | U. Heidelberg |
Mar 6 | PL surfaces and genus cobordism | Hugo Zhou | Ga Tech |
Feb 27 | Surface braid groups and Heisenberg groups | Cindy Tan | U Chicago |
Feb 20 | On obstructing Lagrangian concordance | Angela Wu | LSU |
Feb 13 | Generalized square knots, homotopy 4-spheres, and balanced presentations UGA Boyd 322, 4:30 |
Jeff Meier | Western Washington University |
Feb 13 | Handle numbers of nearly fibered knots UGA Boyd 322, 3:00 |
Ken Baker | U. Miami |
Feb 6 | Distinguishing hyperbolic knots using finite quotients | Tam Cheetham-West | Rice University |
Jan 30 | Higher Complex Structures and Hitchin Components | Alex Nolte | Rice University/Georgia Tech |
Jan 23 | On the homology of Torelli groups | Dan Minahan | Georgia Tech |
Jan 16 | No Seminar: MLK Day | ||
Jan 9 | A Tale of Two Theorems of Thurston | Dan Margalit | Georgia Tech |
Fall 2022
The Geometry and Topology Seminar will sometimes be run in-person and sometimes on-line. If the title has an * by it, then it will be an on-line seminars and a link will be sent to the geometry-topology group before each seminar. In-person seminars will be in Skiles 006. Talks start at 2:00.
Date | Title | Speaker | Institute |
Dec 12 | d-Pleated surfaces and their coordinates | Giuseppe Martone | Yale |
Dec 5 | Multisections, the pants complex, and Weinstein manifolds | Gabe Islambouli | UC, Davis |
Nov 28 | Intersection number and intersection points of closed geodesics on hyperbolic surfaces by Tina Torkaman | Tina Torkaman | Harvard |
Nov 21 | Naturality of Legendrian LOSS invariant under positive contact surgery | Shunyu Wan | U Virginia |
Nov 16 | Fillability of Contact Structures on the 3-manifolds obtained by surgeries on the trefoil knot UGA Boyd 322, 4:30 (Wednesday) |
Nur Saglam | Ga Tech |
Nov 16 | Obstructing Reducible Surgeries: Slice Genus and Thickness Bounds UGA Boyd 322, 3:00 (Wednesday) |
Robert DeYoso | U. Iowa |
Nov 14 | Graph Analogues of Big Mapping Class Groups: Coarse Geometry | George Domat | Rice University |
Nov 7 | Does the Jones polynomial of a knot detect the unknot? A novel approach via braid group representations and class numbers of number fields (on line) | Amitesh Datta | Princeton |
Oct 31 | Wild Rose, Narcissus and other Elliptic Flowers: a new class of billiards with surprising properties. | Leonid Bunimovich | Ga Tech |
Oct 24 | Diagrams for contractible spaces of 4-manifolds Start at 4:30 |
Dave Gay | UGA |
Oct 24 | An A-infinity category from instantons Start at 3:00 |
Sherry Gong | Texas A&M |
Oct 17 | No Seminar: Fall Break | ||
Oct 10 | Asymptotics of surface group representations along rays | Mike Wolf | Ga Tech |
Oct 3 | Geography of surface bundles over surfaces | Inanc Baykur | U Mass |
Sept 26 | The stable cohomology of the level-l subgroup of the mapping class group UGA Boyd 322, 4:30 |
Andy Putman | Notre Dame |
Sept 26 | Obstructions to Reversing Lagrangian Surgery UGA Boyd 322, 3:00 |
Orsola Capovilla-Searle | UC, Davis |
Sept 19 | Hyperbolic models for CAT(0) spaces | Abdul Zalloum | University of Toronto |
Sept 12 | Families of Lefschetz Fibrations via Cyclic Group Actions | Nur Saglam | Ga Tech |
Sept 5 | No Seminar: Labor Day | ||
Aut 29 | Combinatorial Surgery Graphs on Unicellular Maps | Abdoul Karim Sane | Ga Tech |
Aug 22 | Mapping Class Groups of Sliced Loch Ness Monsters | Ryan Dickmann | Ga Tech |
Spring 2022
The Geometry and Topology Seminar will sometimes be run in-person and sometimes on-line. If the title has an * by it, then it will be in-person in Skiles 006. For on-line seminars a link will be sent to the geometry-topology group before each seminar.
Date | Title | Speaker | Institute |
Apr 25 | Strict hyperbolization and special cubulation | Ruffoni, Lorenzo | Tufts University |
Apr 18 | Relating the untwisting and surgery description numbers* | Samantha Allen | UGA |
Apr 11 | Upsilon invariant for graphs and homology cobordism group of homology cylinders* | Akram Alishahi | UGA |
Apr 4 | Connected sum formula of embedded contact homology* | Luya Wang | Berkeley |
Mar 29 | Complex Ball Quotients and New Symplectic 4-Manifolds with Nonnegative Signatures* Time 3:00pm, note this talk is on Tuesday |
Sumeyra Sakalli | University of Arkansas |
Mar 28 | Quasi-morphisms on Surface Diffeomorphism groups | Jonathan Bowden | Universität Regensburg |
Mar 21 | No Seminar: Spring Break | ||
Mar 14 | The Grand Arc Graph — A “curve graph” for infinite-type surfaces | Assaf Bar-Natan | University of Toronto |
Mar 7 | An invariant for families of contact structures in monopole Floer homology* | Juan Muñoz-Echániz | Columbia University |
Feb 28 | Finite-order mapping classes of del Pezzo surfaces | Seraphina Lee | University of Chicago |
Feb 21 | Symplectic Lefschetz fibrations, rational blowdowns, and small exotic 4-manifolds* | Jonathan Simone | Georgia Tech |
Feb 14 | Abelian cycles in the homology of the Torelli group | Erik Lindell | University of Stockholm |
Feb 7 | Stable commutator length on big mapping class groups | Elizabeth Field | University of Utah |
Jan 31 | Stein property of complex-hyperbolic Kleinian groups | Subhadip Dey | Yale university |
Jan 24 | The diffeomorphism group of a 4-manifold | Danny Ruberman | Brandeis University |
Jan 17 | No Seminar: MLK Day |
Fall 2021
The Geometry and Topology Seminar will sometimes be run in-person and sometimes on-line. If the title has an * by it, then it will be in-person in Skiles 006. For on-line seminars a link will be sent to the geometry-topology group before each seminar.
Date | Title | Speaker | Institute |
Nov 29 | Applications of contact geometry to 3-dimensional Anosov dynamics | Federico Salmoiraghi | Technion |
Nov 22 | Open | ||
Nov 15 | Detection results in link Floer homology * | Subhankar Dey | University of Alabama |
Nov 8 | A Fox-Milnor Condition for 1-Solvable Links * | Shawn Williams | Rice |
Nov 1 | Classical and new plumbings bounding contractible manifolds and homology balls | Oğuz Şavk | Boğaziçi University |
Oct 25 | Open | ||
Oct 18 | On amphichirality of symmetric unions | Ceren Kose | U Texas, Austin |
Oct 11 | No Seminar: Fall Break | ||
Oct 4 | Invariants of rational homology 3-spheres from the abelianization of the mod-p Torelli group |
Ricard Riba Garcia | UAB Barcelona |
Sept 27 | Invariance of Knot Lattice Homology | Seppo Niemi-Colvin | Duke University |
Sept 20 | Mitsumatsu’s Liouville domains are stably Weinstein * | Austin Christian | Ga Tech |
Sept 13 | A curve graph for Artin groups | Rose Morris-Wright | UCLA |
Sept 6 | No Seminar: Labor Day | ||
Aug 30 | Chi-slice 3-braid links * | Jon Simone | Ga Tech |
Spring 2021
The Geometry and Topology Seminar will be held online this semester due to COVID-19. Please contact John Etnyre for the link to the seminars if you are interested.
Date | Title | Speaker | Institute |
Jul 7 | Brached cyclic covers and L-spaces | Hannah Turner | U Texas, Austin |
May 3 | Normal surface theory and colored Khovanov homology | Christine Ruey Shan Lee | University of South Alabama |
Apr 26 | On the length of the shortest closed geodesic on positively curved 2-spheres | Franco Vargas Pallete | Yale University |
Apr 19 | 3-manifolds that bound no definite 4-manifold | Marco Golla | Université de Nantes |
Apr 12 | Diffeomorphisms of the 4-sphere, Cerf theory and Montesinos twins | David Gay | University of Georgia |
Apr 5 | Right-veering open books and the Upsilon invariant | Diana Hubbard | Brooklyn College |
Mar 29 | Topology of the Shift Locus via Big Mapping Class Groups | Yan Mary He | University of Toronto |
Mar 22 | Infinite-type surfaces and the omnipresent arcs | Tyrone Ghaswala | CIRGET, Université du Québec à Montréal |
Mar 15 | Big mapping class groups and rigidity of the simple circle | Lvzhou Chen | UT Austin |
Mar 8 | Open | ||
Mar 1 | Open | ||
Feb 22 | Julia sets with Ahlfors-regular conformal dimension one | InSung Park | Indiana University Bloomington |
Feb 15 | No Seminar: Presidents Day |
Feb 8 | Braids, quasimorphisms, and slice-Bennequin inequalities | Peter Feller | ETH Zurich |
Feb 1 | Symmetric knots and the equivariant 4-ball genus | Ahmad Issa | University of British Columbia |
Jan 25 | The asymptotic dimension of big mapping class groups | Yvon Verberne | Georgia Tech |
Jan 18 | No Seminar: MLK Day | ||
Jan 11 | Identifying Dehn Functions of Bestvina–Brady Groups From Their Defining Graphs | Yu-Chan Chang | Emory |
Fall 2020
The Geometry and Topology Seminar will be held online this semester due to COVID-19. Please contact John Etnyre for the link to the seminars if you are interested.
Date | Title | Speaker | Institute |
Nov 23 | Taut foliations and Dehn surgery along positive braid knots | Siddhi Krishna | Georgia Tech |
Nov 16 | RAAGs in MCGs | Ian Runnels | University of Virginia |
Nov 9 | A Combinatorial Description of the knot concordance invariant epsilon | Hakan Doga | University at Buffalo |
Nov 2 | Knots and Links in overtwisted contact structures | Rima Chatterjee | LSU |
Oct 26 | Embedding closed hyperbolic 3-manifolds in small volume hyperbolic 4-manifolds | Michelle Chu | University of Illinois at Chicago |
Oct 19 | Ribbon homology cobordism | Shea Vela Vick | LSU |
Oct 12 | A contact invariant from bordered Heegaard Floer homology | Ina Petkova | Dartmouth |
Oct 5 | Open | ||
Sep 28 | SL3 Skein Algebras of Surfaces | Vijay Higgins | UC Santa Barbara |
Sep 21 | The embedded contact homology of prequantization bundles | Morgan Weiler | Rice |
Sep 14 | L-space surgeries on 2-component L-space links | Beibei Liu | Georgia Tech |
Sept 7 | No Seminar: Labor Day | ||
Aug 31 | Triple linking and Heegaard Floer homology | Allison Moore | Virginia Commonwealth University |
Aug 24 | Equivalence relations on 4 manifolds | Mark Powell | Durham University |
Aug 17 | SU(2) representations for toroidal homology spheres | Tye Lidman | NCSU |
Spring 2020
The Geometry and Topology Seminar has been cancelled starting March 30 due to the shutdown of on campus activities related to COVID-19.
Date | Title | Speaker | Institute |
April 20 | University of Illinois at Chicago | ||
April 13 | Princeton | ||
April 6 | Time: 3:30 |
Virginia Commonwealth University | |
April 6 | Rice | ||
Mar 30 | MPI | ||
Mar 23 | — | — | |
Mar 16 | No Seminar: Spring Break | ||
Mar 9 | Satellite operations and knot genera | Allison Miller | Rice |
The dihedral genus of a knot UGA, Boyd 221, 4:00 |
Patricia Cahn | Smith College | |
Mar 2 | Stein domains in complex two space with prescribed boundary UGA, Boyd 221, 2:30 |
Bulent Tosun | University of Alabama |
Feb 24 | From veering triangulations to link spaces and back again | Henry Segerman | Oklahoma State University |
Feb 17 | Spaces of trees and fatgraphs for string topology and moduli spaces | Kate Poirier | CUNY – City College of Technology |
Feb 13 | The Frohman-Kania-Bartoszynska invariant is the 3D index (note special date) | Stavros Gafoufalidis | SUSTECH and MPI Bonn |
Feb 10 | Brieskorn spheres bounding rational balls Time: 3:30 |
Kyle Larson | UGA |
Feb 10 | Homotopy invariants of homology cobordism and knot concordance | Kent Orr | Indiana University |
Feb 3 | Annular Rasmussen invariants: Properties and 3-braid classification | Gage Martin | Boston College |
Jan 27 | The coalgebra of singular chains and the fundamental group | Manuel Rivera | Purdue University |
Jan 20 | No Seminar: MLK Day | ||
Branched covers bounding rational homology balls UGA, Boyd 221, 4:00 |
JungHwan Park | Ga Tech | |
Jan 13 | Knot Floer homology and cosmetic surgeries UGA, Boyd 221, 2:30 |
Jonathan Hanselman | Princeton University |
Jan 6 | Localization in Khovanov homology | Melissa Zhang | UGA |
Fall 2019
Date | Title | Speaker | Institute |
Dec 9 | Classifying contact structures on hyperbolic 3-manifolds Skiles 202, Time 2:30 |
James Conway | UC, Berkeley |
Dec 2 | Residual Torsion-Free Nilpotence and Two-Bridge Knot Groups | Jonathan Johnson | UT, Austin |
Nov 25 | Classifying incompressible surfaces in hyperbolic 4-punctured sphere mapping tori | Sunny Xiao | Brown University |
Nov 18 | A generalization of Rasmussen’s invariant, with applications to surfaces in some four-manifolds UGA, Boyd 303, 4:00 |
Marco Marengon | UCLA |
Nov 18 | Concordance invariants from branched coverings and Heegaard Floer homology UGA, Boyd 221, 2:30 |
Antonio Alfieri | UBC |
Nov 11 | Seminar Cancelled |
Nov 4 | Koszul duality and Knot Floer homology | Tom Hockenhull | University of Glasgow |
Oct 28 | Connected Floer homology of covering involutions | Sungkyung Kang | Chinese University of Hong Kong |
Oct 21 | The geometry of subgroup combination theorems | Jacob Russell | CUNY Graduate Center |
Oct 14 | No Seminar: Fall Break | ||
Oct 7 | Upper bounds on the topological slice genus via twisting operations Time: 3:30 |
Duncan McCoy | UQAM |
Oct 7 | Smooth 4-Manifolds and Higher Order Corks | Paul Melvin | Bryn Mawr College |
Sept 30 | Surface bundles and complex projective varieties | Corey Bregman | Brandeis University |
Sept 23 | Intrinsic Combinatorics for the Space of Generic Complex Polynomials | Michael Dougherty | Colby College |
Sept 16 | The “generating function” of configuration spaces, as a source for explicit formulas and representation stability | Nir Gadish | Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Sept 9 | Link Concordance and Groups | Miriam Kuzbary | Georgia Tech |
Sept 2 | No Seminar: Labor Day | ||
Aug 26 | Dynamical Mapping Classes | Jasmine Powell | University of Michigan |
Aug 13 | Group Actions and Cogroup Coactions in Simplicial Sheaves | Jonathan Beardsley | Georgia Tech |
Spring 2019
Date | Title | Speaker | Institute |
May 31 | Factorization homology: sigma-models as state-sum TQFTs | David Ayala | Montana State University |
May 29 | Rational cobordisms and integral homology | Paolo Aceto | University of Oxford |
May 15 | Flag moduli spaces and Legendrian surfaces | Roger Casals | UC Davis |
May 13 | Translational scissors congruence | Inna Zakharevich | Cornell |
Apr 22 | On the topological expressiveness of neural networks | Eli Grigsby | Boston College |
Apr 22 | Simply-connected, spineless 4-manifolds | Adam Levine | Duke University |
Apr 15 | Doubly slice knots and L^2 signatures | Patrick Orson | Boston College |
Apr 8 | Heegaard Floer homology and non-zero degree maps | Tye Lidman | NCSU |
Apr 3 | Moebius bands in S^1xB^3 and the square peg problem | Peter Feller | ETH Zurich |
Apr 1 | Embedding Seifert fibered spaces in the 4-sphere | Ahmad Issa | University of Texas |
Mar 25 | A surface construction for colored Khovanov homology UGA, Boyd 328, 4:00 pm |
Christine Ruey Shan Lee | University of South Alabama |
Mar 25 | A spectral sequence from Khovanov homology to knot Floer homology UGA, Boyd 328, 2:30 pm |
Nathan Dowlin | Dartmouth |
Mar 18 | No Seminar: Spring break | ||
Mar 11 | Using 2-torsion to obstruct topological isotopy | Hannah Schwartz | Bryn Mawr |
Mar 4 | The nu+ equivalence class of genus one knots | Kouki Sato | University of Tokyo |
Feb 25 | Knots in homology spheres, concordance, and crossing changes Time: 3:30 |
Chris Davis | U Wisconsin Eau Claire |
Feb 25 | Knot Traces and the Slice Genus | Lisa Piccirillo | UT Austin |
Feb 18 | Heegaard Floer and the homology cobordism group | Jen Hom | Georgia Tech |
Feb 11 | Simplification of singularities of Lagrangian and Legendrian fronts | Daniel Álvarez-Gavela | IAS |
Feb 1 | Acylindrical hyperbolicity of non-elementary convergence groups | Bin Sun | Vanderbilt |
Jan 28 | Link Floer homology and the stabilization distance UGA, Boyd 328, 4:00 pm |
Ian Zemke | Princeton University |
Jan 28 | Knot Concordances in S^1 x S^2 and Constructing Akbulut-Ruberman Type Exotic 4-Manifolds UGA, Boyd 328, 2:30 pm |
Eylem Yildiz | Michigan State University |
Jan 21 | No Seminar: MLK Day |
Fall 2018
Date | Title | Speaker | Institute |
Dec. 3 | Maximal Weinstein domains | Oleg Lazarev | Columbia University |
Nov 19 | The arithmetic of orientation-reversing mapping classes | Livio Liechti | Paris-Jussieu |
Nov 16 | Counting incompressible surfaces and the 3D-index | Stavros Garoufalidis | Georgia Tech & MPI |
Nov 12 | Affine Grassmannians in motivic homotopy theory | Tom Bachmann | MIT |
Nov 5 | A family of freely slice good boundary links | Min Hoon Kim | Korea Institute for Advanced Study |
Oct 29 | Stable homotopy invariants for links UGA, Boyd 328, 4:00 pm |
Patrick Orson | Boston College |
Oct 29 | A ribbon obstruction and derivatives of knots UGA, Boyd 328, 2:30 pm |
JungHwan Park | Georgia Tech |
Oct 22 | Genuine Equivariant Operads | Luis Alexandre Pereira | Georgia Tech |
Oct 15 | The transverse invariant and braid dynamics | Lev Tovstopyat-Nelip | Boston College |
Oct 8 | No Seminar: Fall Break | ||
Oct 1 | The ribbon genus of a knotted surface Time 3:30 |
Jason Joseph | UGA |
Oct 1 | A contact Fukaya category | Lenny Ng | Duke University |
Sept 24 | Link Concordance and Groups | Miriam Kuzbary | Rice University |
Sept 17 | Non-isotopic embeddings of contact manifolds | John Etnyre | Georgia Tech |
Sept 10 | Rational cobordisms and integral homology | JungHwan Park | Georgia Tech |
Sept 3 | No Seminar: Labor Day | ||
Aug 27 | Khovanov homology via immersed curves in the 4-punctured sphere UGA, Boyd 328, 4:00 pm |
Artem Kotelskiy | Indiana University |
Aug 27 | Homological knot invariants and the unknotting number UGA, Boyd 328, 4:00 pm |
Akram Alishahi | Columbia University |
Spring 2018
coming soon