Event Details


  • Monday, May 14, 2018
    1:00 am – Tuesday, May 15, 2018
    1:00 am

The Workshop on Topological Protection in Messy Matter, sponsored by Georgia Tech’s Community for Research on Active Surfaces and Interfaces (CRĀSI) will be held on the Georgia Tech campus on May 14-15, 2018. The workshop will bring together distinguished researchers from diverse intellectual communities to present and moreover to develop new ways of exploiting topology in “messy” systems, including but not limited to disordered, fluid, amorphous, active, structured and quasicrystalline systems.

Participants are welcome, though not required, to submit abstracts for contributed talks or posters to accompany talks from our wonderful invitees.

Please go to http://crasi.gatech.edu/topological-protection-in-messy-matter for more information.