The seminars and workshops are open to any researchers who are interested in discussing their projects or collaborating with Mathematicians. Please feel free to consider giving a talk.

  1. GT MAP Seminar talk:  You will give a 40-45 minute talk on the topic giving the overview, outline and your interests of the project. We encourage you to contact your collaborator or post-doc/graduate student to give a second talk the same day (25-30 min on the related topic with more details). This way the audience will have a good chance to understand the problem and possibly have more meaningful discussions.  Typically on Fridays  3-5PM.
  2. Introduce your research day (during workshop): 15 minute talk to introduce your research.  This talk should be on one research topic which can provoke Mathematical interest and accessible for the entire Campus community.  There will be about 4-5 short talks that day.
  3. ACM seminar: Alternatively we can schedule a regular 50 minutes seminar for Applied and Computational seminar on Mondays at School of Mathematics, GT.

If you are interested in giving a talk, please feel free to contact us:

Luca Dieci (Main Contact Person) Professor, School of Mathematics: email

Haomin Zhou, Professor, School of Mathematics:email

Molei Tao (Contact) Associate Professor, School of Mathematics

Wenjing Liao, Associate Professor, School of Mathematics

Martin Short, Associate Professor, School of Mathematics

Sung-Ha Kang, Professor, School of Mathematics.