Team Phoenix
Track the Student Cluster Competition!
About The Team University Support
- Georgia Tech is a leader in computing education with a strong SC presence, backed by past SCC experience.
- We attend specialized courses for HPC, including a course to prepare specifically for student cluster competitions.
- We have world class faculty helping us prepare, comprising of Dr. Richard Vuduc, Dr. Aaron Jezghani, Dr. Jeff Young, and Will Powell.
Diversity and Inclusion
- Our experiences include outreach programs that promote STEM to underrepresented youths and fostering inclusion for Women and LGBTQ groups in CS.
- To promote a diverse SCC team composition for the future, we plan to collaborate with different computing clubs with similar values of diversity. We are also targeting students with interdisciplinary interests that may overlap with HPC.
Team Members
Marissa Sorkin
- Cloud Compute, UX/UI, Devices
- SC20 Veteran
- IO500, Cardioid
Nicole Prindle
- Computing Theory
- SC20 Veteran
- Reproducibility, System Admin
Evan Montoya
- Algorithms, ML
- New Member
Ryan Elliott
- ModSim, HPC
- New Member
Albert Chen
- SC20 Veteran
- IO500, Cardioid
Aman Jain
- HPC SysArch
- SC20 Veteran
- Quantum Espresso