How much does it cost?

Ah, the great question. Short answer: less than you’d expect (hopefully).


For tandems and AFF jumps, check out Skydive Atlanta’s price page. Short answer: about $260/jump for your first few jumps. We unfortunately can’t help cover these costs, but you don’t have to pay all up front; you can pay jump by jump.

After AFF, you can begin using club gear (below) and the club will also cover every other sport jump until you hit 25 (savings of around $600 depending on your pace)! This is to help encourage you to learn more and stay current.

Club Gear

We own 9 complete rigs, jumpsuits, altimeters, and helmets which you can start using after AFF for just $100 a semester. At many dropzones, rental gear costs $60-100 a day so club gear pays for itself quite quickly.

Free Jumps

For all who have completed AFF, we’ll also give you 2 free sport jumps a month to keep current and jumping. In addition, to people committed to competing, we offer as many free practice jumps as we can afford to make sure you’re as trained as possible.

Wind Tunnel

Finally, the club will help cover some costs associated with wind tunnel flying because it’s such a great training resource.

Club Dues

Dues are only $35 a semester and get you access to all the above and help us keep equipment operational.

Reimbursement Instructions (current members)


The fine print: we don't have unlimited money, so there is no guarantee you'll get all these savings. We project that we have will be enough, but we can't be sure. Also, per SGA policy, only current students who have paid their Student Activity Fee may use funding.