September 16 Meeting Reports

Meeting Notes Attendees: Key Discussions: Bree’s Updates: Eve’s Updates: Yoon’s Updates: Vikas’s Updates: Kailey’s Role: From Bree: Goals for the Semester: Next Steps & Action Items: Meeting Resources September_16_meeting_resource

September 9 Meeting Reports

Metting Notes Attendees: Yoon, Vikas, Michael, Eve, Kailey 1. Logo Competition Planning 2. Project Summary Development 3. Resource Access Stability 4. Alumni Engagement 5. Code Template Utilization 6. Project Management Tools 7. Higher Ed Website Updates Meeting Resource September_9

September 3 Meeting Reports

Meeting Notes Attendees: Yoon, Vikas, Michael, Eve, Kailey 1. Jira and Azure DevOps User Limits 2. PACE Resources and Tools 3. Project Communication and Outreach 4. Higher Ed Website and Project Details 5. Webmaster and Code Tracking 6. Project Tracking and Feedback Pipeline 7. Team Organization and Support 8. Undergraduate Involvement Future Actions Meeting Resource 09_06_Meeting