
  • Vy
  • Yoonha
  • Eve
  • Vikas
  • Kailey
  • Michael
  • Bree

Meeting Notes

  1. Attendance Update
    • Based on our discussion, it seems I don’t need to attend the weekly meeting at this point. I don’t have much to add currently. However, please let me know if you’d like me to join, and I’ll be there!
  2. PACE Shared Folder
    • Storage limitations prevent extensive use of PACE right now. PACE might host a more updated version of the code, with potential PACE-specific modifications.
    • Advantages: PACE-specific code can be leveraged.
    • Disadvantages: Not all PACE-related code is necessary for external repositories.
    • Link from Michael: /storage/ice-shared/cs8903onl
  3. Codebase Reminder
    • Ensure that all applicable code is public and moved to the HAAG organization (e.g., Lizard CV). This does not apply to NFHM.
    • For private data requirements, keep datasets private while uploading the code to HAAG.
    • Action Item: Announce that we are reviewing the code. Please ensure your code is up-to-date on GitHub, part of the HAAG organization, and public if required.
  4. Feedback Updates
    • Team members shared updates on their feedback:
      • Michael reviewed NFHM and Cichlid CV, raising clarifying questions.
      • Eve needs more time to provide feedback for the Lizard team.
      • Vikas and Yoonha have yet to give feedback.
    • IMPORTANT: Locate slides and code for each report and submit your feedback if you haven’t already.
  5. Calendar Success
    • Kudos to Eve and Michael for figuring out the calendar! 🎉
  6. Conference Research
    • Task: Post to groups, including the alumni group, asking about conference plans.
    • Vy and Michael will conduct an IEEE conference search.
  7. Office Hours Adjustment
    • Eve and others will draft a list of potential office hour topics.
    • Office hours will transition to an as-needed basis.
  8. Logo Competition Update
    • The competition will shift focus to artistic representations of the projects.
    • Vikas will re-publish the competition guidelines to comply with branding restrictions and lead the hackathon organization.
  9. Old Project Websites
    • Task: Vy will establish websites for previously shelved projects, creating a historical record.
    • We may assign these projects to undergraduate students for independent work.
  10. Hackathon Task Allocation
  • Kailey and Vikas will brainstorm ways to allocate time for the hackathon project.
  • Undergraduate students could assist with NREL and web scraping tasks or add minor contributions to projects (e.g., DLC projects using SLEEP).
  1. Upcoming Meetings
  • Bree is coordinating a meeting regarding MBA students and other potential attendees.

Meeting Resources
