Provide PACE ICE access to HAAG

Contact and for gaining PACE TA Access. Note to them that you are the new TA for CS8903 class and ask them to grant you and the course (CS8903 and CS6999) ICE access. CC Nicholas Lytle and Bree. (Guidance reference:

Once they grant the courses PACE ICE access, students who register under the courses can access PACE.

Note: Let them know that you will be using it in an instructional capacity instead of research purpose. If you mention research work, they will direct you to PACE Phoenix cluster instead.

For PACE support

Additional Information

PACE ICE Documentation

Code and Data Sharing with HAAG’s shared folder

copy code and data over to HAAG’s shared folder on the ICE cluster using a cp -r linux command. The absolute path should be: /storage/ice-shared/cs8903onl/

Submit Slurm Batch job on PACE ICE

PACE Clusters Orientation

PACE – External – PACE Clusters Orientation


Contact and Dr. McGrath to request McGrath’s DropBox access. As for accessing the Dropbox, if you have not already, you will need to get a GaTech Dropbox. You can request to get one. More info on this can be found at After you are given access, you can then just login to Dropbox with your normal GaTech account and McGrath’s DropBox should show up under shared Dropbox.