From Students to Graduates: Inaugural research mentees graduate from Georiga Tech

Bree with her inaugral mentees

Wow! THEY 🎓 DID 🎓 IT!!!🎓 I could not be more proud of my FIRST generation of research mentees who will be GRADUATES! So we went down to the cafe to 🎉#CELEBRATE 🎉RESEARCHERS who were brave enough to give me my first chance at teaching research. I have had th pleasure of directing their scientific […]

Growth through the years: Empowering both grade school and Grad school students through teaching and being a role model

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I hope you all had a peaceful break with your loved ones. This year, I am thankful for my amazing mother Julie Shi-Branch has been an exceptional teacher to young people in Florida since I was in middle school (Which might explain a little about my passions as a researcher). Since high school, I have […]

Shout Out to My Second Generation Research Mentees!

Shout out to my second generation of research mentees Michael Ortega Jasmine Tata Jameson Pham ! These amazing student researchers are finishing out the semester strong sharing their semester’s work with their fellow researcher. I am so proud of my mentee team and their work not only in their research, but also to uphold a […]