Last month, I was invited to speak with the Georgia Tech Online Computer Science Masters students. I have had the absolute pleasure of working with a few OMSCS students and alumni Jasmine Tata, Jeanette Schofield, Junsoo Park, and Thomas Bowlin who have and are completing innovative research in the McGrath lab. I am inspired by these talented student researchers and I definitely learn as much from them as they teach me. I see the OMSCS students as leaders in the Georgia Tech community as many of these students have extensive industry expertise. We have a lot to gain from extending collaboration with the OMSCS community.
That is why I am proud to announce that I will be collaborating with Dr. David Joyner and Dr. Nick Lytle, Ph.D. this summer to expand research collaborations between skilled OMSCS professionals and the greater Georgia Tech community. I am very excited to tackle the challenges of online collaboration because I truly believe their is so much to gain in our science from expanding access to interdisciplinary research.
If you are a graduate student, faculty, or other researcher interested in learning about what OMSCS students can contribute to your team. Please feel free to reach out so we can design a project with OMSCS students that meets your computational needs.
Expanding Horizons: Collaborating with Georgia Tech OMSCS for Innovative Research 🌐