Women Scientists are amazing!!!! Zoey (Li-Yen) Yang and I were proud to share our experience with the women in computational biology mentorship program with the Georgia Tech Graduate News letter. Lead by the amazing Postdoc Avery Davis Bell, PhD and Faculty Shina Caroline Lynn Kamerlin. Zoey and I speak about the how this program has positively impacted our graduate school experience and how other women in the Georgia tech community can start building their own community.
Read more here:

Special Thanks to Sara Franc and Brittani Hill for their work in the development and promotion of this peice. I am always impressed by the work of their office. It’s truly a honor to work with you both.❤️

We also want to thank the Lisa Redding and King Jordan from the Bioinformatics Department for your continual assistance and support of our program. As Bioinformatics PhDs, Zoey and I are excited to support the professional and personal development of women and gender minorities in the bioinformatics program through this program 😊

I will end with sharing this post of Zoey and I having a blast at the Graduate Gala with our fellow female scientist Daamini Visaalaakshi as a very important reminder to my academic community:
Women 👏Scientists 👏Are 👏People👏

It very important to me that we reinforce a complete and humanized picture of the female scientist in our programming. I am excited to connect with and serve our next Co-hort of women in computational biology. ❤️❤️