Bree with instructors for the bioscience ethics course

A big thank you to all the first year bioscience PhDs in the tools of science ethics course for allowing me to visit you last day of class to share my PhD experience! Dr. Ingeborg Schmidt-Krey and Dr. Shuyi Nie do such a good job of making the concept of biological ethics an engaging and resourceful experience for the first year PhD students in our school. I am glad to share this panel with Marina Haldopoulos. It’s was exciting to share our perspectives on the Tech to Teaching program and give insights on the PhD process. This is a hotly debated subject, but I think the first year of the PhD is the hardest. It’s always hard to find community in a new program and at the beginning it’s easy to feel like your never going to have the skills you need to make it through. So to any 1st years reading this, remember this is a long process and try to enjoy where you are at right now. I know it doesn’t seem like it right now, but you are going to find your place in the scientific community.

Comment below YOUR hardest PhD year and any advise you have for the 1st years coming up behind us! 🥼🙀

😊 wherever you are in your education journey, you got this! One step in front of the other and you’ll be there in no time 😊