
Bree Shi

Breanna (Bree) Shi

Bree Shi is a fourth year PhD student studying Bioinformatics with Minors in Machine Learning and Higher education. She holds many prestigious awards such as the following: The GEM Ph.D Engineering and Science Fellowship Issued by The National GEM Consortium, STEM Diversity PhD Fellowship Issued by Graduate Fellowships for STEM Diversity, GAANN Biology Fellowship Issued by U.S. Department of Education. Before becoming a PhD student at Georgia Tech, Bree earned her master’s in Mathematics from University of Minnesota where she earned Diversity of Views and Experiences Fellowship and her Mathematics BS degree at Stetson University.

Nick Lytle

Dr. Nicholas Lytle

Dr. Nick Lytle is the Director of Research for Georgia Tech’s OMSCS program. Lytle has a Ph.D. in computer science and has worked as a researcher, consultant, and data scientist. His research expertise is in Computing Education, Educational Technology, and AI for Education. His goal is to make computing education more accessible and effective for everyone.

Charles Clark

Charles (Charlie) Clark

Charlie Clark is a current M.S. in Computer Science student specializing in Machine Learning. He has a B.S. with dual majors in Applied Mathematics and Economics from Stony Brook University (2022, summa cum laude). He has been working on a novel vision transformer architecture for end-to-end object re-identification (reID) as part of the Cichlid CV team. In his spare time, he enjoys hiking, playing the violin, and exploring the latest advances in AI.

Thomas Deatherage

Thomas Deatherage

I’m a software engineer in Georgia. I’ve worked as a developer at a wide range of companies — from very big to very small. Additionally, I’ve been a developer/researcher with HAAG since its inception, summer 2024. I expect to complete my master’s at GaTech sometime next year.