ABA Capabilities

As previously discussed, and as depicted in the diagram below, the Assertion-Based Architecture (ABA) includes multiple capabilities to facilitate various aspects of the IS&S mission lifecycle.

ABA Capabilities
ABA Capabilities

Each capability is described briefly below, with a link to a dedicated page with more detailed content.

  1. The Assertion Authoring and Publishing Capability enables stakeholder organizations and communities within the ISE to develop and publish assertion definitions and assertion profiles to express their policy requirements.
  2. The Assertion Assessor Capability enables ISE participants to conduct assessments of participant compliance with requirements and generate and publish assertions based on those assessments.
  3. The Assertion Operational Infrastructure Capability enables ISE participants to leverage assertions and machine-readable trust policies for partner discovery and automated trust policy enforcement.
  4. The Information Sharing Agreement Builder Capability leverages the ABA to enable ISE participants to rapidly develop and execute machine-readable information sharing legal agreements with partner agencies.

Each capability includes software tools, documentation, and governance structures and processes to enable IS&S stakeholders to navigate the complexities of trust and interoperability related to their operational missions.

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