The Integrating Effective Team Dynamics in Curriculum initiative at the Georgia Institute of Technology provides students with intentional training for team dynamics and team-building. This program facilitates students’ ability to receive instruction in building a team, communicating on a team, resolving team conflicts, and leading a team within existing team-based projects. In partnership with the Institute’s Strategic Plan Advisory Group (SPAG), this project is committed to facilitating best-practices for teamwork for Georgia Tech curricula development and assessment.
Begun in 2016, over 550 Georgia Tech students from all majors participated in the project integrate substantial team/group learning and assignments into their curriculum. Students use the Strengths Finder assessment and leadership activities to promote positive group interactions. Foregrounding their written, oral, and visual communication, participants increase their strategic knowledge in as team leaders while contributing to learning outcomes. Added to required courses (not student service, academic driven)
Primary Investigator Dr. Mary Lynn Realff, and her team of trained leadership experts, share a passion and commitment for teaching students to develop team-building and leadership strategies. Not only are these strategies strongly valued by industry, but they are also noted in ABET’s student outcomes, especially, “an ability to function on multidisciplinary teams” (ABET 2016).