
Dr. Franziska Roscher has lived in India on and off since 2010, for a total of more than six years. She holds a Master’s degree from Mumbai University, has lived and worked in both Mumbai and Delhi, and traveled extensively throughout India. Her research focuses on gender and political participation in India. Her fieldwork has taken her to Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, and Delhi. You can learn more about her work here.

Contact: franziska@gatech.com

Dr. Anjali Thomas was born and raised in Mumbai, India and is currently an Associate Professor in the Sam Nunn School of International Affairs at Georgia Tech. She obtained her Ph.D. from New York University in 2010 and joined the faculty at Georgia Tech in 2016. Her research focuses on India and examines questions relating to infrastructure provision, water scarcity, local governance and gender disparities. She has conducted field research in a range of locations in India from informal settlements in Mumbai, to villages in Bihar and Uttar Pradesh in the North of India to Kerala in the South.

Contact: athomas424@gatech.edu