
Selected Media Appearances and Miscellany   

Business Insider on the economics of Roe v Wade, May 7, 2022

Bloomberg on the expected effects from Roe v Wade being overturned, May 4, 2022

Scientific American on the economic effects of restricting access to abortion, December 22, 2021

CNN on Texas’ abortion ban, October 22, 2021

Letter about me in the American Journal of Health Economics newsletter’s inaugural “Great Mentors” series, 2019

Arkansas Democrat Gazzette on my testimony regarding an abortion regulation, July 24, 2019

New York Times on the expected effects on abortion if Roe v. Wade is overturned, based on work building on my research on the effects of travel distance on abortion rates, May 18, 2021

Pieces I Wrote for a Broad Audience   

Layoffs, Divorce, and the Effect of Unemployment Insurance Econofact, joint with Krishna Regmi and Isaac D. Swensen, October 21, 2020.

Could Expanding Access to Contraception Improve Economic Outcomes? PBS News Hour, joint with Andrea M. Kelly and Analisa Packham, August 29, 2019.

Could Expanding Access to Contraception Improve Economic Outcomes? EconoFact, joint with Andrea M. Kelly and Analisa Packham, August 20, 2019.

Any Press is Good Press? Study Finds Federal Investigations of University Responses to Sexual Misconduct Cases May Help Enrollments, ProMarket: The Blog of the Stigler Center at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, joint with Dave E. Marcotte, Jane E. Palmer, and Isaac D. Swensen, August 16, 2018.

Football, College Party Culture, and Sexual Assault, EconoFact, joint with Peter Siminski and Isaac D. Swensen, July 19, 2018.

Access to Substance Abuse Treatment, Drug Overdose Deaths, and Crime, EconoFact, joint with Samuel Bondurant and Isaac D. Swensen, March 16, 2018.

Defunding Planned Parenthood Didn’t Reduce the Number of Abortions in Texas, Dallas Morning News, July 6, 2017.

Lowering the Teenage Birthrate, New York Times, joint with Analisa Packham, July 13, 2015.

Long-acting Reversible Contraceptives Reduced Teen Pregnancies, Especially in Higher-Poverty Areas, UC Davis Center for Poverty Research Policy Brief, joint with Analisa Packham, 4(3), 2015.

Kingpin Approaches to Fighting Crime and Violence: Evidence from Mexico’s Drug War, Cato Research Briefs in Economic Policy, joint with María Padilla-Romo, No. 31, July 2015.

Should The Legal Age For Buying Alcohol Be Raised to 21 Years? Medical Journal of Australia, joint with Peter Siminski, 201(10),p. 571, 2014.

Gender-Specific Measures of Economic Conditions and Child Abuse, Center for the Study of Women in Society Research Matters, Spring 2013.

Selected Coverage of Scholarly Research

Persistent Effects of Violent Media Content, NBER Working Paper No. 27240. Joint with Isaac Swensen and Glen Waddell.

Probable Causation, Episode 33, 8/4/20

Vox’s The Weeds, 5/26/20 (46th minute)

New Evidence on The Effects of Mandatory Delay Laws for Abortion, NBER Working Paper No. 26228. Joint with Mayra Pineda-Torres.

“Tennessee’s abortion wait period law faces court arguments,” 9/20/19, Associated Press (reprinted worldwide)

“Mandatory waiting periods can make abortions nearly $1,000 more expensive,” 9/10/19, MarketWatch

The Power of the IUD: Effects of Expanding Access to Contraception Through Title X Clinics, NBER Working Paper No. 25656. Joint with Andrea Kelly and Analisa Packham.

“Former Gov. Hickenlooper unveils plan to expand access to women’s contraception,” 5/29/19, ABC News

“The benefits of IUDs,” 3/26/19, Vox’s The Weeds (37th minute)

“Colorado teen pregnancies dropped 20% near these clinics…funding is at risk,” 3/22/19, Denver Post

“Better access to IUDs drove a 20% drop in teen pregnancy and abortions, report finds,” 3/18/19, Daily Mail

Any Press is Good Press? The Unanticipated Effects of Title IX Investigations on University Outcomes, Economics of Education Review, forthcoming. Joint with Dave E. Marcotte, Jane E. Palmer, and Isaac D. Swensen.

“Do Campus Rape Investigations Damage Colleges? Actually, the Opposite May Be True,” 7/25/18, Salon

How Far Is Too Far? New Evidence on Abortion Clinic Closures, Access, and Abortions, Journal of Human Resources, forthcoming. Joint with Caitlin Myers, Andrea Schlosser, and Scott Cunningham.

“Where Abortion Access Would Decline if Roe v. Wade Were Overturned,” New York Times, 5/18/21

“Why America’s Abortion Rate Might Be Higher Than It Appears,” New York Times, 9/20/19

“Where Roe v. Wade Has the Biggest Effect,” New York Times, 7/18/19

“High-Risk Podcasting,” Vox’s The Weeds, 5/4/17 (50th minute)

“Abortion Clinics in Texas Haven’t Reopened, and it’s Causing Real Damage to Real Women,” 5/3/17, Salon

Caution! Men Not At Work: Gender-Specific Labor Market Conditions and Child Maltreatment, Journal of Public Economics, 163, 2018. Joint with Jessamyn Schaller and Ben Hansen.

“Does Child Abuse Rise During a Recession?” 5/2/13,

Kingpin Approaches to Fighting Crime and Community Violence: Evidence from Mexico’s Drug War, Journal of Health Economics, 58, 2018. Joint with María Padilla-Romo.

“What History Says Will Happen Next in Iran” 1/7/20, The Atlantic

“Will Nabbing of ‘El Chapo’ Actually Help Mexico Win the War on Drugs?” 1/23/16, Newsweek

“El Chapo Shows the Folly of the War on Drugs,” 1/21/16, Time

Substance Abuse Treatment Centers and Local Crime, Journal of Urban Economics, 104, 2018. Joint with Samuel R. Bondurant and Isaac D. Swensen.

“Keeping Rehab Facilities Open is Worth the Investment,” 5/17/18, Texas A&M Today

“New Evidence that Access to Health Care Reduces Crime,” 1/3/18, Brookings

College Party Culture and Sexual Assault, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 10(1), 2018. Joint with Peter Siminski and Isaac D. Swensen.

“Study Links Big College Football Games to Spike in Rape Reports,” 3/7/18, The Wall Street Journal

“Study Finds Home Football Games Elevate Cases of Sexual Assault,” 1/31/18, The Battalion

“Party Schools and Sexual Assault,” 1/31/18, American Economic Association

“Rape on College Campuses,” Not Safe with Nikki Glaser (Comedy Central), 7/12/16

“LSU Police Dismiss Sexual Assault Stats Showing Spike in Rape Cases During Football Games,” 4/7/16, Yahoo

“College Football and Campus Sexual Assault,” Outside The Lines (ESPN), 2/19/16

“Do College Football Games Cause Rape? Three Researchers Say Yes,” 2/18/16, Penn Live

“Is There a Connection Between College Football Games and Risks for Rape?” Morning Edition (NPR), 2/17/16

“Sexual Assault Linked to D1 Game Day in Study,” 2/14/16, The Michigan Daily

“Study: Sexual Assault Reports Jump 28% on College Game Days,” 1/22/16, USA Today College

“College Game Day’s Disturbing Trend,” Watching the Hawks (RT), 1/11/16

“UOW’s Peter Siminski Co-Authored Study Linking College Football and Rape,” 1/11/16, Illawarra Mercury

“National Research Shows Spikes in Sexual Assaults on College Game Days,” 1/11/16, Austin’s NPR Station

“Want Less Rape On-Campus? Get Rid of College Football,” 1/7/16, U.S. News and World Report

“Study: Reported Rapes at Division 1 Football Schools Increase on Game Days,” 1/6/16,

“GW is Better Off Without a Powerhouse Football Team,” 1/6/16, The GW Hatchet

“Sober Warning: Campuses Must Counter Assaults on Game Days,” 1/5/16, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

“Report: Rape Rates at Big Football Colleges Spike on Game Day,” 1/5/16, CBS News

“Study: Rape Rates Spike on Game Day at Big Football Schools,” 1/5/16, The Cut

“There’s More to the College Football/Rape Study Than is Being Reported,” 1/5/16, The Washington Examiner

“What College Football Game Days Mean for Rape,” 1/4/16, Attn:

“Reports of Rape Spike on College Football Game Days, Study Finds,” 1/4/16, Houston Chronicle

“College Football, Parties and Rape,” 1/4/16, Inside Higher Ed

“Reported Rapes Go Through the Roof on Game Day at Big Football Schools,” 1/1/16, HuffPost

“Campus Rape Reports Spike On College Football Game Days, Study Finds, So It’s About Time We Pay Attention,” 12/31/15, Bustle

“Reports of Rape Rise on College Football Game Days, According to New Study,” 12/30/15, The Sydney Morning Herald

“The Shocking Truth About When College Rapes are Most Likely,” 12/30/15, Cosmopolitan

“Rape Reports SPIKE on Days College Football Games are Held, Study Finds,” 12/30/2015,

“College Football Has Lost its Allure,” 12/30/15, Chicago Tribune

“The Disturbing Truth About College Football and Rape,” 12/29/15, The Washington Post

“Reports of Rape Rise on College Football Game Days,” 12/29/15, Bloomberg

“Study: Strong Link Between Football and Increases in Reported Rapes,” 12/29/15, Sports Illustrated

“Study Links College Football Game Days to Increase in Rape Reports,” 12/29/15, The Guardian

“What We Can Learn From That Paper About Campus Rape on Game Days,” 12/29/15, Slate

“New Research Suggests Football Game Days are Associated With a 28 Percent Increase in Reports of Rape,” 12/28/15, The New Republic

“New Research Finds 28-Percent Increase in Reported Rapes on University Football Game Days,” 12/28/15, Elle

How Much Can Expanding Access to Long-Acting Reversible Contraceptives Reduce Teen Birth Rates?, American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 9(3), 2017. Joint with Analisa Packham.

“The IUD Revolution,” 9/1/16, Vox

“With Less Money, Colorado’s Birth Control Program Feels the Pain,” 8/2/15, The Denver Post

Breaking The Link Between Legal Access to Alcohol And Motor Vehicle Accidents: Evidence from New South Wales, Health Economics, 2015. Joint with Peter Siminski and Oleg Yerokhin.

“Ticket to Drink Opens Door to Health Woes,” 3/21/13, Illawarra Mercury

Are Big-Time Sports a Threat to Student Achievement?, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 4(4), 2012. Joint with Isaac D. Swensen and Glen R. Waddell.

“Rethinking the Benefits of College Athletics,” 3/15/2012, Forbes

“How Big-Time Sports Ate College Life,” 1/20/2012, The New York Times

“College Football Victories = Worse Grades?” 12/22/2011,

“Study Links Winning Football and Declining Grades,” 12/21/2011, The New York Times

“Football Team Wins, Grades Plummet,” 12/21/2011, The Wall Street Journal

“Study: When Football Team Wins, Male Grades Drop,” 12/20/2011, CBS News

“Winning Football, Falling Grades,” 12/20/2011, Inside Higher Ed

“Study: As Ducks Win, Male Grades Drop,” 12/20/2011, ESPN

“Guys’ Grades Suffer When College Football Teams Win,” 12/19/2011, The Atlantic

Ability, Gender, and Performance Standards: Evidence from Academic Probation, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 2(2), 2010. Joint with Nicholas J. Sanders and Philip Oreopoulos.

“Academic Probation Hits College Guys Harder,” 5/13/2010, Science Daily

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