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I am a Research Scientist at the Georgia Institute of Technology. At Georgia Tech, I am a member of the Cyber Forensics Innovation Lab (CyFI), led by Prof. Brendan Saltaformaggio.
Before joining, I obtained my Ph.D. from the University of Central Florida in 2020, working at the Security Analytics Lab (SEAL) advised by Prof. David Mohaisen. I obtained my Bachelor’s degree from Korea University, South Korea, in 2016, working with Prof. Hyogon Kim at the Wireless Data Communications Laboratory.
My Research Interests:
Computer Systems Security
Cyber Forensics
Malware/Binary Analysis
Mobile/IoT/Web Security
Network/DNS Security
For more information about me please see the links or my CV.
Selected Publications (Full list)
- Ranjita Pai Kasturi, Jonathan Fuller, Yiting Sun, Omar Chabklo, Andres Rodriguez, Jeman Park*, and Brendan Saltaformaggio*: “Mistrust Plugins You Must: A Large-Scale Study of Malicious Plugins in WordPress Marketplaces”, Proceedings of the 31st Usenix Security Symposium (Security 2022), Acceptance Rate: 17.2% (256/1492).* co-corresponding authors
Media: [The Hacker News], [SiliconANGLE], [Security Affairs], [The Tech Outlook], [GeorgiaTech News]
CSAW’22 Applied Research Competition Finalist. - Jeman Park, Rhongho Jang, Manar Mohaisen, and David Mohaisen: “A Large-Scale Behavioral Analysis of the Open DNS Resolvers on the Internet”, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (ToN), Vol. 30, No. 1, pp. 76-89, Aug. 2021.
- Jeman Park, Aminollah Khormali, Manar Mohaisen, and Aziz Mohaisen: “Where Are You Taking Me? Behavioral Analysis of Open DNS Resolvers”, Proceedings of the 49th IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (IEEE/IFIP DSN 2019), Acceptance Rate: 21.4% (54/252).