- QSR Best Paper Award – INFORMS Annual Meeting (2015) for the paper “Monitoring of High-Dimensional Functional Data Streams Via Smooth-Sparse Decomposition.”
- POMS Best Paper Award – College of Healthcare Operations Management (2015) for the paper “A new Semi-Markov model based clustering for Patient Flow Modeling and Optimization.”
- CETL/BP Junior Faculty Teaching Excellence Award (2014), A Georgia Tech award to recognize excellent teaching and educational innovation that Junior Faculty bring to campus.
- Best Application Paper Award from IIE Transactions (2011), for paper “Characterization of Nonlinear Profiles Variations using Mixed-Effect Models and Wavelets,” IIE Transactions on Quality and Reliability Engineering, Vol. 43, 275–290.
- Best Student Paper Award in Data Mining Section of INFORMS (2011) for the paper; “Hierarchical Non-Negative Garrote for Group Variable Selection”.
- Richard C. Wilson Prize (2010) for The Best Student Paper in Manufacturing Systems; “Characterization of Nonlinear Profiles Variations using Mixed-Effect Models and Wavelets”. Industrial and Operations Engineering Department, University of Michigan.
- Nominated and Invited to 2014 Frontiers of Engineering Education Symposium (2014), by National Academy of Engineering (acceptance rate ~20%).
- Class of 1969 Teaching Fellow (2013), Center for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning (CETL), Georgia Institute of Technology.
- “Thank a Teacher Certificates” for teaching ISyE 2028 (Fall 2012) and ISyE 3039 (Fall 2013), Center for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning, Georgia Institute of Technology.