Development of In-Core Fast Neutron Activation Detectors with Advanced Manufacturing
Warren Erling
Abstract: Organizations such as the Department of Energy and the Generation IV International
Forum have placed an emphasis on the industrial deployment of fourth generation nuclear
systems by 2030. To develop experience with advanced reactor systems, the United States has
proposed a versatile test reactor capable of operating on a fast neutron spectrum with
interchangeable coolants and fuels so that numerous reactor types can be tested at a single site.
Since there has not been a fast-reactor based neutron source in the United States in over 25 years,
there is a need to modernize the operational technology associated with VTR such as the
detectors. Advanced manufacturing methods such as ion implantation, electroplating, and
additive manufacturing are of key interest due to their ability to be manufactured with very
precise specifications. These precise conditions allow for greater modeling and experimental
certainty when applied to neutron detection methods such as activation detection.