Postdoctoral Fellows
The Laboratory for Advanced Nuclear Nonproliferation and Safety under direction of Dr. Anna Erickson ( and at Georgia Tech’s Nuclear and Radiological Engineering Program is seeking highly motivated candidates committed to developing an academic career in reactor analysis and radiation detection for nonproliferation.
Currently, we are searching for postdoctoral fellows to work in two project areas. The first focuses on computational and experimental reactor physics. The position will support multiple projects. Proficiency in MCNP/Serpent is required, familiarity with RELAP is desired. The second project is focused on machine learning applications in nuclear detection. Both project areas are well-established and supported by a highly interactive group of students and researchers and extensive core resources.
Job Qualifications: We are seeking recent PhD graduates (must be U.S. citizen or legal permanent resident) in nuclear engineering and computer science. We will also consider graduates of physics and other engineering programs interested in complementing their computational and experimental skills with radiation detection and reactor analysis.
Application Instructions: Please send a CV, statement of research interests and contact information for three references to