Join us this summer, June 2-5, for an exciting Summer School focused on the latest advancements in the theory of linear program solvers! Over the past few years, significant progress has been made in designing efficient linear program solvers and developing powerful new techniques, such as novel insights into interior point methods and specialized data structures to accelerate them. Our goal is to teach the algorithmic techniques that have driven these recent breakthroughs. Participants will learn about:
- Strongly Polynomial Interior Point Methods and Their Application to Generalized Flows
- Robust Interior Point Methods for Linear Programs
- Recent dynamic algorithms and data structures to accelerate IPMs
Important Dates & Registration
- Registration open until: Sunday, May 25, 2025 (11:59pm ET) or when full
- Due date to apply for travel support: Sunday, April 6, 2025 (11:59pm ET)
- Travel support decision notification: mid-April
- Summer School: June 2-5, 2025
Registration is free but required. Registration is open until May 25th (1 week before summer school), but may close earlier due to limits on lecture hall size.
Register here:
We will offer some travel support to a limited number of students and young researchers. These are meant to roughly cover local expenses like hotel.
If you wish to apply, please submit a CV, and a brief letter outlining your (research) interests, in particular in relation to the topics of the summer school. Send the application to with subject [Summer25].
Please ask your advisor to send a brief (1 paragraph) email stating their support of the application to .
- Yang P. Liu, Carnegie Mellon University, (Speaking on Robust Interior Point Methods)
- Bento Natura, Columbia University, (Speaking on Strongly Polynomial IPM and Generalized Flows)
- Jan van den Brand, Georgia Tech, (Speaking on Data Structures for IPM)
Jan van den Brand,
Georgia Tech Campus,
Marcus Nanotechnology Building
Room 1117-1118
345 Ferst Dr NW
GA 30332