Minshuo Chen 陈旻硕
H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering
Main Building 309
755 Ferst Dr. NW
Atlanta, GA 30332
Email: mchen393 (AT) gatech (DOT) edu
My website has moved to here.
I am a fifth year Ph.D. student in Machine Learning at Georgia Tech. I am coadvised by Prof. Tuo Zhao and Prof. Wenjing Liao. Before joining Georgia Tech, I received Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering from UCLA, and Bachelor’s degree in Electrical and Information Engineering from Zhejiang University. Here is my CV.
My research focuses on developing principled methodologies and theoretical foundations of deep learning. I am particularly interested in
- function approximation theory of neural networks and their statistical guarantees in learning applications;
- (deep) reinforcement learning;
- nonconvex optimization.
I am fortunate to collaborate with Prof. Hua Wang from ECE on deep learning assisted direct synthesis of mm-Wave electromagnetic (EM) structures.