

  1. Xia, Y., Samaras, G., Meaud, J., 2024, Evaluating the correlation between stimulus frequency otoacoustic emissions group delays and tuning sharpness in a cochlear model, Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, 25(6):575-589
  2. Rouleau, M., Keller, J., Lee, J., Shi, C., Meaud, J., 2024, Numerical and Experimental Study of Impact Dynamics of Bistable Buckled Beams, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 576:118291
  3. Samaras, G., Wen, H., Meaud, J., 2023, Broad nonlinearity in reticular lamina requires compliant structures near top of outer hair cells, Biophysical Journal, 122:880-891 DOI:
  4. Rouleau, M., Craig, S., Xia, Y., Shieh, R., Robinson, M.L., Shi, C., and Meaud, J., Nonlinear dynamics of a bistable system impacting a sinusoidally vibrating shaker, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2022,110 (4), 3015-3030
  5. Wen, H., Meaud, J., 2022, Link between stimulus frequency otoacoustic emission peaks and cochlear resonances, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 151(3):1875:1894
  6. Bowling, T., Wen, H., Meenderink, S.W.F., Dong, W., Meaud, J., 2021, Intracochlear distortion products are broadly generated by outer hair cells but their contributions to otoacoustic emissions are spatially restricted, Scientific reports, 11(1):1-14
  7. Meaud, J., 2020, Nonlinear wave propagation and dynamic reconfiguration in two-dimensional lattices with bistable elements, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 473:
  8. Che, K., Rouleau, M., Meaud, J., 2019, Temperature-tunable time-dependent snapping of viscoelastic metastructures with snap-through instabilities, Extreme Mechanics Letters, 100528
  9. Imam, M., Meaud, J., Ghosh, S., Sain, T., 2019, Improvement of stiffness and energy absorption by harnessing hierarchical interlocking in brittle polymer blocks, Journal of Applied Mechanics, 86(5):051007-051007-11
  10. Bowling, T., Lemons, C., Meaud, J., 2019, Reducing tectorial membrane viscoelasticity enhances spontaneous otoacoustic emissions and compromises the detection of low level sound, Scientific Reports,  9:7494
  11. Lemons, C., Sellon, J.B., Boatti, E., Filizzola, D., Freeman, D.M., Meaud, J., 2019, Anisotropic material properties of wild-type and Tectb-/- tectorial membranes, Biophysical Journal, 116(3):573-585
  12. Meaud, J., 2018, Multistable two-dimensional dimensional spring-mass lattices with tunable band gaps and wave directionality, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 434:44-62
  13. Che, K., Yuan, C., Qi, H., and Meaud, J., 2018, Viscoelastic multistable architected materials with temperature-dependent snapping sequence, Soft Matter, 14:2492-2499
  14. Wen, H., Bowling, T., Meaud, J., 2018, Investigation of the 2f1−f2 and 2f2−f1 distortion product otoacoustic emissions using a computational model of the gerbil earHearing Research 365:127-140
  15. Bowling, T., Meaud, J., 2018, Forward and reverse waves: modeling distortion products in the intracochlear fluid pressure, Biophysical Journal 114(3):747:757  
  16. Meaud, J., Che, K., 2017, Tuning elastic wave propagation in multistable architected materials, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 122-123:69:80
  17. Che, K., Yuan, C., Wu, J., Qi, H. J., and Meaud, J., 2017, 3D-printed multistable mechanical metamaterials with a deterministic deformation sequenceJournal of Applied Mechanics , 84(1)-011004:01-10
  18. Lemons, C., Meaud, J., 2016, Middle-ear function in the chinchilla: circuit models and comparison with other mammalian speciesJournal of the Acoustical Society of America, 140(4):2375-2753
  19. Alur, K., Bowling, T., Meaud, J., 2016, Finite element analysis of rate dependent buckling and postbuckling of viscoelastic layered composites, Journal of Applied Mechanics, 83(3)-031005
  20. Meaud, J., Lemons, C., 2015, Nonlinear response to a click in a time-domain model of the mammalian ear, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America138(1):193-207
  21. Alur, K., and Meaud, J., 2015, Nonlinear mechanics of non-dilute viscoelastic layered composites, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 72:130-143
  22. Sain, T., Meaud, J., Yeom, B., Waas, A.M. and Arruda, E.M., 2015, Rate dependent finite strain constitutive model for polyurethane and polymer-clay nanocomposites, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 54:147-155
  23. Meaud *, J., Sain *, T., Yeom *, B., Park *, S.P., Brieland-Schoultz, A., Hulbert, G., Ma, Z.D., Kotov, N.A., A. John Hart, A.J., Arruda, E.M., and  Waas A.M., 2014, Simultaneously high stiffness and damping in nanoengineered microtruss composites, ACS Nano, 8(4):3468-3475
  24. Meaud, J., Grosh, K., 2014, Effect of the attachment of the tectorial membrane on cochlear micromechanics and two-tone suppression, Biophysical Journal, 106(6):1398-1404
  25. Sain, T., Meaud, J., Hulbert, G.M., Arruda, E.M., Waas, A.M., 2013, Simultaneously high stiffness and damping in a class of wavy layered composites, Composite Structures, 101:104-110
  26. Meaud, J., Sain, T., Hulbert, G.M., Waas, A.M., 2013, Analysis and optimal design of layered composites with high stiffness and damping, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 50:1342-1353
  27. Meaud, J., Hulbert, G.M., 2013, Dependence of the dynamic properties of Voigt and Reuss composites on the Poisson’s ratio and bulk loss factor of the constituent materials, Journal of Composite Materials, 47(26):3237-3247
  28. Meaud, J., Grosh, K., 2012, Response to a pure tone in a nonlinear mechanical-electrical-acoustical model of the cochlea, Biophysical Journal, 102:1237-1246
  29. Meaud, J., Grosh, K., 2011, Coupling active hair bundle mechanics, fast adaptation and somatic motility in a cochlear model, Biophysical Journal, 100:2576-2585
  30. Ashmore, J., Avan, P., Brownell, W.E., Dallos P., Dierkes, K., Fettiplace, R. , Grosh K., Hackney, C.M., Hudspeth, A.J., Jülicher, F., Lindner, B., Martin, P., Meaud, J., Petit, C., Santos Sacchi, J.R., Canlon, B., 2010, The remarkable cochlear amplifier, Hearing research, 266:1-17
  31. Meaud, J., Grosh, K., 2010, The effect of tectorial membrane and basilar membrane longitudinal coupling in cochlear mechanics, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 127:1411-1420

* denotes equal contribution


  1. Meaud, J., Samaras, G., 2024, Modeling the Generation of Cochlear Microphonics Potentials at the Round Window: Effect of Higher Dimensionality, Proceedings of the 2024 Mechanics of Hearing Conference, 5281/zenodo.11540522
  2. Saramas, G., Meaud, J., 2024, Compliant Deiters’ Cells: A Challenge for Outer Hair Cell-based Cochlear Amplification?, Proceedings of the 2024 Mechanics of Hearing Conference, 5281/zenodo.13152981
  3. Agramonte, D., Meaud, J., 2024, Using a Coherent Reflection Model of the Cochlea to Simulate Spontaneous Otoacoustic Emissions in the Presence of Noise, Proceedings of the 2024 Mechanics of Hearing Conference, 5281/zenodo.13331782
  4. Meaud, J., Wen, H., Samaras, G., Xia, Y., 2024, Modeling the Fine Structure of Ear Canal Pressure and Cochlear Microphonics in Response to a Pure Tone, in Proceedings of the 2022 Mechanics of Hearing Conference.
  5. Samaras, G., Wen, H., Meaud, J., 2024, Nonlinear Effects Basal to the Best Place Manifest in the Reticular Lamina’s Response due to its Low Impedance Relative to the Basilar Membrane, in Proceedings of the 2022 Mechanics of Hearing Conference.
  6. Xia, Y., Samaras, G., Meaud, J., 2024, Investigating the Effect of Change in Cochlear Micromechanics and Activity Levels on Stimulus Frequency Otoacoustic Emissions Phase-gradient Delay, in Proceedings of the 2022 Mechanics of Hearing Conference.
  7. Meaud, J., Bowling, T., Lemons, C., 2018, Computational modeling of spontaneous otoacoustic emissions by the mammalian cochlea, In ASME 2018 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference (pp. V001T11A001-V001T11A001). American Society of Mechanical Engineers
  8. Bowling, T., Wen, H., Meaud J., 2018, Computational Modeling of the Generation and Propagation of Distortion Products in the Inner Ear, in To the Ear and Back Again: Advances in Auditory, AIP Conference Proceedings. Vol. 1965. No. 1. AIP Publishing, 2018.
  9. Lemons, C., Sellon, J.B., Freeman, D.M., Meaud, J., 2018, Examining the Effects of Anisotropy on Longitudinally Propagating Waves on Isolated Tectorial Membranes, in To the Ear and Back Again: Advances in Auditory, AIP Conference Proceedings. Vol. 1965. No. 1. AIP Publishing, 2018.
  10. Wen, H., Bowling, T., Meaud, J., 2018, Analyzing the Relationships between Reflection Source DPOAEs and SFOAEs Using a Computational Model, in To the Ear and Back Again: Advances in Auditory, AIP Conference Proceedings. Vol. 1965. No. 1. AIP Publishing, 2018.
  11. Meaud, J., Lemons, C., 2015, A physiologically-based time domain model of the mammalian ear, 12th International Workshop on the Mechanics of Hearing.In Mechanics of Hearing: Protein to Perception, Karavitaki KD, Corey DP (eds), American Institute of Physics, Melville, NY, 070009:1-5
  12. Meaud, J., Grosh, K., Active processes and sensing in the cochlea, Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, Montreal, Canada, 2013
  13. Meaud, J., Grosh, K., Simulating two-tone suppression in cochlear mechanics using a computational model, Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, Salt Lake City, UT, 2013
  14. Meaud, J., Li, Y., Grosh, K., The generation of harmonic distortion and distortion products in a computational model of the cochlea, In: Shera CA, Olson ES, eds. What Fire is in Mine Ears: Progress in Auditory Biomechanics. Melville, NY: American Institute of Physics, 2011:231:237
  15. Li, Y., Meaud, J., Grosh, K., Coupling the subtectorial fluid with the tectorial membrane and hair bundles of the cochlea, In: Shera CA, Olson ES, eds. What Fire is in Mine Ears: Progress in Auditory Biomechanics. Melville, NY: American Institute of Physics, 2011:104:109
  16. Meaud, J., Grosh, K., Role of mammalian outer hair cell bundle filtering and motility in cochlear mechanics, Proceedings of the 16th US National Congress of Theoretical and Applied mechanics, State College, PA, 2010