“Outstanding Achievement in Advancing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Research,” GT Vice President for Research, 2024.
“History Making Tech Woman” Award, Pathway of Progress, 2024.
Elected Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). 2017.
Distinguished Faculty Researcher, Ivan Allen College, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2017.
Faculty Member of the Year, Georgia Tech Student Government Association, 2017.
Gender Equity Champion Award for Faculty, 2016.
Section Star Award, Science, Knowledge, and Technology Section, American Sociological Association, 2015.
The Outstanding Faculty Member/Woman of Distinction Award, Women’s Leadership Conference, Georgia Tech, 2006.
WEPAN (Women in Engineering Programs) Betty Vetter Research Award for “notable achievement in research on women in engineering,” 2002.
SWS (Sociologists for Women in Society) Feminist Lecturer, 2000 Award to “prominent feminist scholar, who has made a commitment to social change”.
Invited Participant, Renaissance Weekends, Renaissance Institute, Hilton Head, 1997.
Awardee and Recipient, Research Opportunities for Women Scientists and Engineers, National Science Foundation, 1985.
Biographical Listings
Who’s Who in America
Who’s Who of American Women
Who’s Who in American Education
Dictionary of International Biography (26th ed).
Outstanding People of the 20th Century
2000 Outstanding Scholars of the 20th Century
Editorial Boards and Positions
Co-editor (with Sue V. Rosser and Deborah Johnson), Women, Gender, & Technology Book Series, published by University of Illinois Press, 2001-present.
Associate Editor, Sex Roles: A Journal of Research, 1992-2006.
Founding Associate Editor, Gender & Society, 1986-90.
Editorial Advisory Board, Social Studies of Science, 1996-present.
Chair of Editorial Board, Handbook of Science and Technology Studies, international Handbook on the field published by Sage Publications (1995) in cooperation with the Society for Social Studies of Science.
Editorial Board, The American Sociologist, 1991-95.
Editorial Board, Work and Occupations, 1986-94.
Editorial Board, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 1990-92.
Advisory Boards and Research & Review Panels
Chair, Theory and Research Committee, Social Science Network. National Center for Women and Information Technology, 2004-present.
Research Advisor, Gender Equity and Advance Advisory Board, Northeastern University, 2005.
Blue Ribbon Panel on Higher Education and Workforce Diversity, BEST (Building Engineering and Science Talent), 2001-02.
Advisory Panel, “Project Second Wave,” G. Holton and G. Sonnert (P.I.s), Harvard University, 2000-2006.
Consultant, Gender Differences in the Careers of Doctoral Scientists and Engineers, National Research Council/National Academy of Sciences, 1998-2000.
Study Group, Identifying Needs Related to Science/Mathematics/Engineering Student and Faculty Diversity in Colleges and Universities, American Association for the Advancement of Science, September 2000.
Advisory Panel, Professional Opportunities for Women in Research and Education (POWRE), National Science Foundation, 1998.
Research Panel, Trends in Early Careers of Life Scientists, National Research Council/National Academy of Sciences, 1995-98.
Advisory Board, Women in Science and Engineering, Alfred Sloan Foundation, 1993-95.
Offices Held (selective listing)
American Sociological Association (ASA):
Elected Offices: | Secretary/Treasurer, Science, Knowledge, and Technology Section/ASA, 1998-2001. Council Member, Sex and Gender Section/ ASA, 1993-96. Member, Publications Committee, 1989-92. Council Member, Science, Knowledge, and Technology Section/ ASA, 1987-92. Chair, Sex and Gender Section/ ASA, 1986-87. |
Appointments: | Member, Liaison between American Sociological Association and American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1994-1997. Chair, Membership Committee, Organizations, Occupations, and Work Section/ ASA, 1996-97. Member, Distinguished Contributions Award Committee, Sex and Gender Section/ ASA, 1996-97. Program Co-chair, Organizations and Occupations Section/ASA, 1992-93. Member, Committee on Regulation of Research, 1987-90. |
Society for Social Studies of Science (4S):
Chair, Handbook Committee, 1989-1994. Council Member, 1987-1989. Publications Chair, 1987-1989. Publications Committee, 1989-94. |
Sociologists for Women in Society (SWS):
President, 1995. Vice President, 1995, 1996. Chair, Publications Committee, 1999-2001. Co-founder of Journal, Gender & Society, 1985-86. Chair, Research and Publications, 1982-1984. National Program Co-Chair, 1983. |
Invited Seminars and Symposia
Plenary Speaker, “Advancing Women in Technical Fields within Higher Education,” Women in Engineering Programs and Advocates Network (WEPAN), Annual meetings, Pittsburgh, June 2006.
Plenary Speaker and Participant, “Social Dynamics of Campus Change: Creating an Interdisciplinary Agenda.” A workshop and initiative sponsored by National Academy of Engineering’s Center for the Advancement of Scholarship on Education, and the American Sociological Association, April 2006.
Speaker on “Women Faculty in Computing: Issues, Problems, Solutions.” Workshop on Gender, Empowerment, and Information and Computer Technologies, Sam Nunn Policy Forum, March 2006.
Speaker, Symposium on “Applying Theory to University Transformation: Advancing Women Faculty in Science and Engineering.” Annual meetings of Academy of Management, Honolulu, August 2005. Winner of the Careers Division Best Symposium Award of the Academy of Management.
Speaker, “Women in Academic Science.” Workshop on Women’s Advancement in Academia, sponsored by American Political Science Association and National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C., March 2004.
Speaker, “Institutional Transformation and Advancement of Women in Science and Engineering: NSF Advance and Impact on Policy Transformation.” Symposium on Systemic Transformation in the Role of Women in Science and Engineering. Annual meetings of American Association for the Advancement of Science, Seattle, Washington, February 2004.
Speaker, “Gender, Family/Household, and Publication Productivity.” Symposium on Success of Parents in Fast-Track Occupations. Alice Paul Center for Research, University of Pennsylvania, October 2003.
Speaker, “Women in Science, Technology, Mathematics, and Engineering (STEM).” Pathways to STEM Careers Workshop, National Science Foundation, October 2003.
Speaker, Symposium on Dissolving Disparity, Catalyzing Change: Are Women Achieving Equity in Chemistry? American Chemical Society National Meeting, September 2003.
Speaker, Women in Science & Engineering Speaker Series, School of Engineering, Tufts University, May 2002.
Speaker, “Gender and Research Productivity.” International conference on “The Work of Science,” Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences, in celebration of the 300th anniversary of the Academy, Berlin, June 2000.
Speaker, “Women in Science and Technology: What We Know About Education and Employment.” Symposium on ‘Human Resources for Science, Technology, the Nation, and the World,’ American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), Washington, DC, February 2000.
Speaker, “Women in Academic Science.” Workshop on Women’s Advancement in Academia, sponsored by American Political Science Association and National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C., March 2004.Speaker, “Institutional Transformation and Advancement of Women in Science and Engineering: NSF Advance and Impact on Policy Transformation.” Symposium on Systemic Transformation in the Role of Women in Science and Engineering. Annual meetings of American Association for the Advancement of Science, Seattle, Washington, February 2004.
Speaker, “Gender, Family/Household, and Publication Productivity.” Symposium on Success of Parents in Fast-Track Occupations. Alice Paul Center for Research, University of Pennsylvania, October 2003.
Speaker, “Women in Science, Technology, Mathematics, and Engineering (STEM).” Pathways to STEM Careers Workshop, National Science Foundation, October 2003.
Speaker, Symposium on Dissolving Disparity, Catalyzing Change: Are Women Achieving Equity in Chemistry? American Chemical Society National Meeting, September 2003.
Speaker, Women in Science & Engineering Speaker Series, School of Engineering, Tufts University, May 2002.
Speaker, “Gender and Research Productivity.” International conference on “The Work of Science,” Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences, in celebration of the 300th anniversary of the Academy, Berlin, June 2000.
Speaker, “Women in Science and Technology: What We Know About Education and Employment.” Symposium on ‘Human Resources for Science, Technology, the Nation, and the World,’ American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), Washington, DC, February 2000.
Speaker, “Gender and Faculty in Science and Engineering.” Women, Science, & Technology Symposium, Wake Forest University, February 2000.
Speaker, “Women, Men, and Doctoral Education in Science and Engineering.” Robert Penn Warren Center, Vanderbilt University, April 1999.
Speaker, “The Status of Women in Science, Engineering, and Mathematics.” Feminist Research Forum, University of Washington, Seattle, April 1999.
Speaker, “Gender, Faculty, and Doctoral Education,” National Invitational Conference on “Women in Research Universities,” Sponsored by The Committee for the Equality of Women at Harvard, Harvard University and Radcliffe College, Cambridge, Mass., November 1998.
Participant, Workshop on “Research Issues in Assessing Economic Benefits of Innovation as Related to Inter-Organizational Networks, the Institutional Environment, and Industry Context.” Advanced Technology Program, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), US Department of Commerce, July 1998.
Speaker, “Women and Professional Careers in Engineering: Quantifying the Problem,” Engineering Foundation Conference on “Tackling the Engineering Resources Shortage: Creating New Paradigms for Developing and Retaining Women Engineers,” Mont-Tremblant, Canada, July 1998.
Speaker and discussant. “Gender and Scientific Styles.” Conference on “Choices and Successes: Women in Science and Engineering.” New York Academy of Sciences, March 1998.
Speaker, “The Status of Women in Science and Engineering in Academia.” Conference on “Achieving Success in Academia,” sponsored by Women in Engineering Program Advocates Network (WEPAN) and National Science Foundation. Arlington, Virginia, June 27-29, 1997.
Panelist, Conference on “Science Careers, Gender Equity, and the Changing Economy.” Co-sponsored by the Commission on Professionals in Science and Technology and the Radcliffe Public Policy Institute, funded by the National Science Foundation. College Park, Maryland, October 28-29, 1996.
Session Leader and Moderator, National Academy of Sciences Conference on “Women Scientists and Engineers in Industry: Why So Few?” Irvine, California: January 16-18, 1993.
Session Leader on Retention and Advancement of Women in Science, Engineering, and Mathematics Faculty, “Big Ten (Committee on Institutional Cooperation) Conference on Women in Science and Engineering.” Indiana University, October 1-4, 1992.
Moderator and Participant, National Academy of Sciences Conference on “Science and Engineering Programs: Target on Women.” Irvine, California, November 3-5, 1991.
Moderator and Panelist. Symposium on “Women and Men in the 1990s: Social and Economic Changes.” Mansfield University, Mansfield, Pennsylvania, April 10, 1991.
Member of the American Delegation, Anglo-American Conference on Higher Education. York England, September 10-14, 1989.
Participant, NSF Workshop on “Studying Human Resources in Science and Engineering.” Division of Social and Economic Science and Division of Science Resource Studies, National Science Foundation, July 13-14, 1989.
Participant and Chair of a Session, Symposium on “Research Perspectives on Research Universities”, supported by the National Science Foundation. Pennsylvania State University, April 14-15, 1989.
Participant, Symposium on “The Outlook for Science, Technology, and Society.” Cornell University, March 3-5, 1989.
Participant, Symposium on “Women in Science: The Productivity Puzzle.” Sponsored by Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation in collaboration with Harriet Zuckerman and Jonathan Cole, New York, May 30-June 1, 1984.