Recent Publications: Subset
Publications may be downloaded from ResearchGate.
Qiantao Zhang, Mary Frank Fox, Shiri M. Breznitz, and Talia Capozzoli Kessler. “Analyzing the impact of gender on entrepreneurship and innovation: evidence from university graduates.” The Journal of Technology Transfer (2024): 1-31.
Mary Frank Fox, Diana Roldan, Gerhard Sonnert, Amanda Nabors, Sarah Bartel. “Publications About Women, Science, and Engineering: Use of Sex and Gender in Titles Over a Forty-six-year Period.” Science, Technology, and Human Values 47 (July 2022): 774-814.
Mary Frank Fox and Monica Gaughan. “Gender, Family and Caregiving Leave, and Advancement in Academic Science: Effects across the Life Course. Sustainability 13 (June 2021).
Mary Frank Fox and Irina Nikivincze, “Being Highly Prolific in Academic Science: Characteristics of Individuals and Their Departments,” Higher Education 82 (2021): 1237-1255.
Mary Frank Fox, “Gender, Science, and Academic Rank: Key Issues and Approaches,” Quantitative Science Studies, vol. 1, no. 3, 2020.
Mary Frank Fox, Mary Lynn Realff, Diana Roldan, and Jillian Morn. “International Research Collaboration Among Women Engineers: Frequency and Perceived Barriers, by Region” Journal of Technology Transfer, 42 (2017): 1292-1306.
Mary Frank Fox, Kjersten Bunker Whittington, and Marcela Linkova. “Gender, (In)Equity, and the Scientific Workforce.” In Handbook of Science and Technology Studies, edited by U. Felt, R. Fourche, C. Miller, and L. Smith-Doerr. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press, 2017.
Mary Frank Fox and Kathryn Kline. “Women Faculty in Computing: A Key Case of Women in Science.” In Pathways, Potholes, and Persistence of Women in STEM Fields: Reconsidering the Pipeline, edited by Enobong Hannah Branch. Lexington Books, 2016.
Carolina Canibano, Mary Frank Fox, and F. Javier Otamendi. “Gender and Patterns of Tempory Mobility Among Researchers.” Science and Public Policy 43 (2016): 320-331.
Mary Frank Fox. “Gender and Clarity of Evaluation Among Academic Scientists in Research Universities.” Science, Technology, & Human Values, 40 (July 2015).
Mary Frank Fox and Wenbin Xiao. “Perceived Chances for Promotion Among Women Associate Professors in Computing: Individual, Departmental, and Entrepreneurial Factors.” The Journal of Technology Transfer 38 (April 2013): 135-152.
Gerhard Sonnert and Mary Frank Fox. “Women, Men, and Academic Performance in Science and Engineering: The Gender Difference in Undergraduate Grade Point Averages.” The Journal of Higher Education 83 (January/February 2012): 73-101.
Mary Frank Fox, Carolyn Fonseca, and Jinghui Bao. “Work and Family Conflict in Academic Science: Patterns and Predictors Among Women and Men in Research Universities.” Social Studies of Science 41 (October 2011): 715-735.
Mary Frank Fox, Gerhard Sonnert, and Irina Nikiforova. “Programs for Undergraduate Women in Science and Engineering: Issues, Problems, and Solutions.” Gender & Society 25 (October 2011): 589-615.
Mary Frank Fox. “Women and Men Faculty in Academic Science and Engineering: Social-Organizational Indicators and Implications.” American Behavioral Scientist 53 (March 2010): 997-1012.
Mary Frank Fox, Gerhard Sonnert, and Irina Nikiforova. “Successful Programs for Undergraduate Women in Science and Engineering: Adapting vs. Adopting the Institutional Environment.” Research in Higher Education 50 (June 2009): 303-353.
Mary Frank Fox. “Collaboration between Science and Social Science.” Research in Social Problems and Public Policy 16 (2008): 17-30.
Mary Frank Fox. “Institutional Transformation and the Advancement of Women Faculty: The Case of Academic Science and Engineering.” In Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Research, vol. 23. Edited by J. C. Smart. Springer Publishers, 2008.
Gerhard Sonnert, Mary Frank Fox, and Kristen Adkins. “Undergraduate Women in Science and Engineering: Effects of Faculty, Fields and Institutions Over Time.” Social Science Quarterly 88 (December 2007): 1333-1356.
Mary Frank Fox and Sushanta Mohapatra. “Social-Organizational Characteristics of Work and Publication Productivity Among Academic Scientists in Doctoral Granting Departments.” The Journal of Higher Education 78 (Sept/Oct 2007): 542-571.
Mary Frank Fox and Carolyn Fonseca. “Gender and Mentoring of Faculty in Science and Engineering: Individual and Organizational Factors.” International Journal of Learning and Change (special issue on ‘Mentoring: A tool for social and human capital learning’) 1 (no. 4, 2006): 460-483.
Mary Frank Fox, Deborah Johnson, and Sue Rosser (eds.). Women, Gender, and Technology. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2006.
Mary Frank Fox. “Women, Men, and Engineering.” In Women, Gender, and Technology. Edited by M. F. Fox, D. Johnson, and S. Rosser. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2006.
Mary Frank Fox. “Women and Academic Science: Gender, Status, and Careers.” Dissolving Disparity, Catalyzing Change: Are Women Achieving Equity in Chemistry? Edited by C. Marzabadi, V. Kuck, S. Nolan, and J. Buckner. New York: Oxford University Press, 2006.
Mary Frank Fox. “Gender, Family Characteristics, and Publication Productivity Among Scientists.” Social Studies of Science 35 (February 2005): 131-150.
Mary Frank Fox. “R. K. Merton: Life Time of Influence.” Scientometrics 60 (May 2004).
Mary Frank Fox. “Gender, Faculty, and Doctoral Education in Science and Engineering.” In Equal Rites, Unequal Outcomes: Women in American Research Universities. Edited by L. Hornig. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 2003.
Mary Frank Fox. “Women, Science, and Academia: Graduate Education and Careers.” Gender & Society 15(October 2001):654-666.
Mary Frank Fox and Paula E. Stephan. “Careers of Young Scientists: Preferences, Prospects, and Realities by Gender and Field.” Social Studies of Science 31(February 2001):109-122.
Mary Frank Fox. “Gender, Hierarchy, and Science.” In Handbook of the Sociology of Gender. Edited by J. S. Chafetz. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 1999/2006.