October 26
12:00 – 2:00 pm
Posters will be hung on a display board that is 4’x3′. Posters will need to be set up by 9 am and should be taken down at the end of the session.
Poster Number | Presenter(s) | Title | School / Department | Full Author List |
1 | Layla Abdullatif | Understanding the mechanisms of action observation as a rehabilitation intervention for stroke | Biological Sciences | Layla Abdullatif, Maria Lindsey, Veronica Rowe, Lewis Wheaton |
2 | Aish Balwani, Zach Mobille, Soon Ho Kim | Structure-function relationships in neural networks | Mathematics | Aish Balwani, Zach Mobille, Soon Ho Kim, Hannah Choi |
3 | Yenho Chen | Probabilistic Decomposed Linear Dynamical Systems for Robust Discovery of Latent Neural Dynamics | Biomedical Engineering | Yenho Chen, Noga Mudrik, Adam Charles, Christopher Rozell |
4 | Eric Cole | Mapping Brain-Wide Intracranial Evoked Responses to Direct Temporal Lobe Electrical Stimulation | Biomedical Engineering | Eric R Cole, Lou T Blanpain, Nealen G Laxpati, Michael J Kahana, Robert E Gross |
5 | Taylor Cooper | The neural and genomic mechanisms driving behavioral divergence during speciation | Biological Sciences | TL Cooper, N Kumar, KL Leatherbury, JT Streelman, & PT McGrath |
6 | Pradosh Dash | Affordable Brain Therapy: Acoustic Hologram Based Approach for Trans-skull Focused Ultrasound (FUS) | Mechanical Engineering | Pradosh P. Dash, Costas D. Arvanitis |
7 | Pooja Datta Roy, Alexis Pulliam | LaPlaca Lab: Translational Neurotrauma Laboratory | Biomedical Engineering | Pooja M. Datta Roy, Alexis Pulliam, Meagan Jefferson, Michelle LaPlaca |
8 | Sakshi Dhawan, Yunji Lee | Investigating the relationship between sustained attention and quasi-periodic brain activity patterns | Psychology | Yunji Lee, Dolly Seeburger, Sakshi Dhawan, Tiffany Nguyen, Nan Xu, Marcus Ma, Anzar Abbas, Waqas Majeed, Garth Thompson, Shella Keilholz, Eric H. Schumacher |
9 | Kyle Johnsen | Enhancing the Cleo experiment simulation testbed to support all-optical control, multi-channel optogenetics, and data interoperability | Biomedical Engineering | Kyle A. Johnsen, Nathanael A. Cruzado, Adam S. Charles, Christopher J. Rozell |
10 | Hyeonseok Kim | Wireless Sleep Monitoring Biopatch for At-Home Sleep Quality and Sleep Apnea Assessment | Mechanical Engineering | Hyeonseok Kim, Shinjae Kwon, and Woon-Hong Yeo |
11 | Kwantae Kim | Transcriptional regulation of neuronal polarity and neurite outgrowth in the ddNs of Ciona | Biological Sciences | Kwantae Kim, Alberto Stolfi |
12 | Kathryn Leatherbury, Tucker Lancaster | Automated Real-Time Detection of Complex Animal Behavior Enables Functional Multi-omic Analyses at the Single Nucleus Resolution | Biological Sciences | Tucker Lancaster, Kathryn Leatherbury, Todd Streelman, Patrick McGrath |
13 | Chengrui Li | One-hot Generalized Linear Model for Switching Brain State Discovery | Computational Science & Engineering | Chengrui Li, Soon Ho Kim, Chris Rodgers, Hannah Choi, Anqi Wu |
14 | Tim McCrone | Understanding Non Volatile Programming in Lithium Niobite Memristors via Electrochemical Impedance Study (EIS) | Electrical & Computer Engineering | Aheli Ghosh, Alex Weidenbach, Bill Zivasatienraj, Tim Mccrone, W.A. Doolittle |
15 | Simin Nasiri | Curiosity, Memory, and the Place | Psychology | Simin Nasiri, Thackery Brown, Sonit Bafna |
16 | Rossie Nho | Function analysis of jugular sensory nerves in the airway | Biological Sciences | Yeseul Nho, Yanyan Xing, Katy Lawson, Emily F Cole, Ron Feldman, Liang Han |
17 | Phenique Parker, Robin Rackerby | Analysis of Gaze Strategies in Upper Limb Prosthetic Use | Biological Sciences | Phenique Parker, Robin Rackerby, Shreya Dhara, Katherine Earwood, Lewis Wheaton |
18 | Leila May Pascual | Emergence of precision firing and motor gesture selectivity in motor cortical neurons across learning | Biomedical Engineering | Leila May Pascual, Samuel J. Sober |
19 | Abby Paulson | Integrating Neuroscience and the Arts: A Graduate Student’s Experience Working on Step the Brain Along a Path | Biomedical Engineering | Abigail Paulson, Kyle Johnsen, Timothy Min, Kimberly Binns, Christopher Rozell |
20 | Kayla Peelman | Thalamus dynamically adjusts visual responses to context | Biomedical Engineering | Kayla Peelman, Bilal Haider |
21 | Josh Posen | Examining Neuromotor Facilitation of Hand Muscles with a Detached Robotic Hand | Bioengineering | Joshua N. Posen, Joshua Lee, Frank L. Hammond III, Minoru Shinohara |
22 | Mirabel Reid | Assemblies and the k-Cap Process: The Effects of Locality on Neural Firing Dynamics | Computer Science | Mirabel Reid, Santosh Vempala |
23 | Varun Sharma, Usama bin Sikandar, Leo Wood | Matching perception to action in a comprehensive, spike-resolved motor program for agile movement | Physics & Biological Sciences | Varun Sharma, Usama bin Sikandar, Leo Wood, Simon Sponberg |
24 | Breanna Shi | Depth sensing, Deep learning, and Genomic Tools for Social Bower Behaviors of Lake Malawei Cichlids | Bioinformatics | |
25 | Henry Skelton | Reverse Engineering Exercise with Bioluminescent-Optogenetic Modulation of the Substantia Nigra | Biomedical Engineering | Henry Skelton, Nathaniel Hyman, Madison Scott, Ken Berglund, Claire-Anne Gutekunst, Robert Gross |
26 | Emine Zeynep Ulutas | Using machine learning to understand how the brain drives action in mice | Biomedical Engineering | Emine Zeynep Ulutas, Xueling Shirley Zhang, Jeffrey Markowitz |
27 | Chris Waiblinger, Elaida Dimwamwa | Reading and writing the neural code underlying perception | Biomedical Engineering | C. Waiblinger, E. Dimwamwa, M. E. McDonnell, A. R. Reedy, P. Y. Borden, A. Pala, V. Chundru, N. C. Wright, and G. B. Stanley |
28 | Jue (Stella) Wang, Reagan Hicks | Launching a Research Lab: Investigating Predictive processing in Cortico-Cerebellar Circuits | Biological Sciences | Tim Stamm, Laurence Copeland, Yicong Huang, Jue Wang, Reagan Hicks, Garrett Anderson, Rudra Goel, Alejandro Avila, Yunkai Zhang, Kevin McCollum, Rikhil Sechadri, Nandita Narayanan, Vishaal Jamched, Kushal Dudipala, Vanshika Mehta, Farzaneh Najafi |
29 | Yule Wang | Extraction and Recovery of Spatio-Temporal Structure in Latent Dynamics Alignment with Diffusion Model | Computational Science & Engineering | Yule Wang, Zijing Wu, Chengrui Li, Anqi Wu |
30 | David Weiss, Adriano Borso | Real-time tools for control and identification of neural populations | Biomedical Engineering | Adriano MF Borsa, David A Weiss, Michael Bolus, Garrett B Stanley |
31 | Omar Zeid | The Nuances Hidden Behind Invisible Walls: Differential Neural Activity Patterns in Humans While Navigating Virtual Spaces With and Without Invisible Walls | Psychology | Omar Zeid, Qiliang He, Thackery Brown |
32 | Muneeb Zia, Kristen Frenzel, Kyle Thomas | CAMBER: Center for Advanced Motor Bioengineering and Research | Biomedical Engineering | Samuel J. Sober, Muhannad Bakir, Kristen Frenzel, Amanda Jacob, Muneeb Zia, Michelle Zu, Kailash Nagapudi, Rhuna Gibbs, Hugo Marques, Megan Carey |