- TRB AEP35 Best Paper Award (2025), TRB Committee on Effects of Information and Communication Technologies on Travel Choices (AEP35). Awarded for the paper “Effectiveness of Health and Environmental Information Provision in Promoting Sustainable Travel Modes,” by Anne, V.S.R., Liu, Y., Kibria, G., Asensio, O., and Peeta, S.
- Thank-a-Teacher Certificate (2024), Georgia Tech Center for Teaching and Learning; May 2024, in recognition for excellence in teaching in “Civil and Environmental Engineering 8813” for the course “Transportation Systems Analysis.”
- Thank-a-Teacher Certificate (2021), Georgia Tech Center for Teaching and Learning; Awarded in December 2021 in appreciation of teaching style and dedication to helping students learn in “Industrial and Systems Engineering 8803” as part of the CEE-ISyE joint course “Transportation Network Modeling and Analysis.”
- Matthew G. Karlaftis Best Paper Award (2020), ASCE Journal of Infrastructure Systems; Awarded in April 2021 for the paper “Design of a Multiperiod Tradable Credit Scheme under Vehicular Emissions Caps and Traveler Heterogeneity in Future Credit Price Perception,” by Miralinaghi, M. and S. Peeta, in the American Society of Civil Engineering’s (ASCE’s) Journal of Infrastructure Systems. Selected from 66 papers, technical notes and case studies published in 2020 in the journal.
- Distinguished Alumnus Award (2019); Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Madras, India. Up to 2019, IIT Madras has conferred this recognition to 158 alumni.
- Editor’s Choice Award (2019), Palgrave Macmillan and Springer; Awarded for the paper “A Binary Probit Model to Analyze Freight Transportation Decision-Maker Perspectives for Container Shipping on the Northern Sea Route,” by Benedyk, I. and S. Peeta, in the journal Maritime Economics & Logistics.
- Special Guest and Distinguished Participant (2018); Government of India, at the ‘Move’: A Global Mobility Summit organized by the Government of India. Keynote Speaker and panelist for the session on “Reinventing Public Transport.” Attendance at the summit by invitation only, and included CEOs from many global firms in the mobility and transportation-related technology space, policymakers and ministers from governments, academia, thinktanks and media.
- Invited Visiting Scholar (2018); State University of New York Polytechnic Institute (SUNY Poly). This award provides SUNY Poly faculty members opportunities to interact and to collaborate with scholars from other institutions.
- Member, Technical Advisory Board (2017); Center for Transportation, Environment and Community Health (CTECH), USDOT Tier 1 University Transportation Center, Cornell University.
- Nominated for the 2nd Annual CE Outstanding Mentor of Engineering Graduate Students Award, Purdue University (2017). This award was created by Purdue’s College of Engineering to recognize one faculty member in each of the schools for his/her exemplary mentoring. It is the only student-run award in Civil Engineering. Nominations were submitted by current graduate students and recent alumni, and were voted on anonymously by a committee of five current students.
- Invited American Transportation Expert (2016); U.S. Department of State and the Institute for Sustainable Communities. One of six American experts selected for the “Building Smart Cities Through Educational Linkages” program to support smart city solutions in India. Dr. Peeta was selected as the transportation expert.
- IEEE ITSC2015 Third Best Paper Award (2015); IEEE 18th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Las Palmas, Spain. Awarded for the paper “Macroscopic Modeling of Spatiotemporal Information Flow Propagation Wave under Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communications,” by Kim, Y-H. Peeta, S. and He, X.
- Overseas Professor (2015-present), Anna University, Chennai, India.
- Honorary Professor (2015-2018), Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Chongqing, China.
- Jack and Kay Hockema Professor (2015-2018), Purdue University. Appointed to this named professorship in the School of Civil Engineering.
- TRB AT045 Intermodal Freight Award (2015); TRB Intermodal Freight Committee (AT045). Awarded for the paper “Rail-Truck Multimodal Freight Collaboration: A Statistical Analysis of Freight Shipper Perspectives,” by Guo, Y., Peeta, S. and Mannering, F.
- Certificate of Appreciation, TRB (2015); In recognition for “Developing Research that has Significant Private Sector Applicability.”
- Member, Advisory Board, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering (2014-present); To provide advice on enhancing the overall quality and citation of published papers in the Korean Society of Civil Engineering (KSCE) Journal of Civil Engineering.
- Certificate of Appreciation, CICTP Conference (2013); Recognized as an Honor Speaker at the 13th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals.
- Certificate of Appreciation, TRB (2013); Recognized for 6 years of service as the Chair of the Transportation Network Modeling Committee (ADB30) and Member of the Section on Travel Analysis Methods.
- TRB Blue Ribbon Committee Award, TRB (2013); Chair of the Transportation Network Modeling Committee (ADB30) which received the award for “Contributing to TRB and the Transportation Community,” based on initiatives under the leadership of Dr. Peeta.
- College of Engineering Mentoring Award, Purdue University (2012); “For playing an exemplary and selfless role as he instills integrity and responsibility in team members, challenges and motivates students, and mentors by example.”
- Certificate of Commendation, Transportation Research Board (2012); To recognize the paper review efforts of the Transportation Network Modeling Committee members and friends; by the TRB Technical Activities Council and the TRR Publication Board.
- Certificate of Appreciation, CICTP Conference (2012); Recognized as an Honor Speaker at the 12th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals.
- Advisor, Transportation Research Group of India (TRGI), (2011 – present); TRGI is a not-for-profit research organization which seeks to aid India’s overall growth through focused transportation research, education, and policies.
- UniSA Distinguished Researcher Award, University of South Australia (UniSA) (2010); “Only up to 4 such awards are made per year based on a competitive nomination and selection process across all disciplines. It seeks to attract distinguished international researchers with outstanding research track records in their respective fields to visit UniSA to establish or strengthen research collaborations likely to lead to high profile research outcomes.”
- Walter Huber Research Prize, American Society of Civil Engineers (2009); “Recognized for his outstanding research contributions to the advancement of transportation network modeling.”
- Visiting Distinguished Scholar, Taiwan (2009); Four invited seminars (with faculty and students from 10 national universities) and faculty interactions at the National Taiwan University, the National Chiao Tung University, the National Dong Hwa University, and the National Cheng Kung University.
- AATT Best Paper Award, AATT (ASCE) (2009); From among 800 papers at the 10th International Conference on the Applications of Advanced Technologies in Transportation (AATT) in Athens, Greece, sponsored by the American Society of Civil Engineers. Awarded for the paper “A Direct Bridge between Dynamic Traffic Assignment and Graph Theory,” by Kalafatas, G. and Peeta, S.
- Invited Speaker at the NAE Frontiers of Engineering, National Academy of Engineering (2008); “Megacities and System of Systems Modeling,” Irvine, CA.
- Chair, Committee on Transportation Network Modeling (ADB30), Transportation Research Board (TRB) of the National Academies (2007 – 2013).
- Seed for Success Award, Purdue University (2007 – 2013); Given each year in recognition of the accomplishments of single investigators and teams of investigators for their efforts in obtaining a $1 million dollar or more research grant; for the NEXTRANS Center, the USDOT Region 5 University Transportation Center, for funding ranging from $1.7 million to $3.5 million from the USDOT.
- TRB AHB25 Exceptional Paper Award, TRB Traffic Signal Systems Committee (2007); Awarded for the paper “Recasting Dilemma Zone Design as a Marginal Cost and Benefit Problem,” by Sharma, A., Bullock, D. and Peeta, S., Transportation Research Record, TRB, National Research Council, Washington, D.C.
- Roy E. & Myrna Wansik Excellence in Research Award, Purdue University (2004); “Awarded to a faculty member of the School of Civil Engineering for research contributions and/or the most meritorious technical paper in a refereed journal.”
- NSF CAREER Award, NSF (1997); For the proposal titled, “Efficient and Robust On-line Control of Large-scale Dynamic Traffic Systems with Information Systems.”
- INFORMS Transportation Science Best Dissertation Award, the Institute for Operations Research and Management Science (INFORMS) (1994); “This award is the oldest and most prestigious honor for doctoral dissertations in the transportation science area.”
- Fourth Rank Nationally, Senior School Examinations, Central Board of Secondary Education, India (1984); From among more than 100,000 students.
- National Talent Search Scholar, India (1982 – 1988); Awarded annually to 250 students nation-wide based on a national competition by the National Council for Education, Research, and Training (NCERT), India.
Awards for Dissertations/Theses/Research of Dr. Peeta’s Students
Dr. Peeta’s students received 6 dissertation/theses awards.
- Jian Wang; received the COTA Best Dissertation Award, 2019; awarded by the Chinese Overseas Transportation Association (COTA), for the dissertation titled, System Modeling for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles. Announced and awarded at the COTA Winter Symposium in conjunction with the 2020 TRB Annual Meeting.
- Pengcheng Zhang; received the Pikarsky Award, 2010, for the Best Dissertation in Science and Technology; awarded by the Council of University Transportation Centers (CUTC), for the dissertation titled, A Generalized Modeling Framework to Analyze Interdependencies Among Infrastructure Systems.
- Anuj Sharma; received the Pikarsky Award, 2008, for the Best Dissertation in Science and Technology; awarded by the Council of University Transportation Centers (CUTC), for the dissertation titled, Integrated Behavioral and Economic Framework for Improving Dilemma Zone Protection Systems.
- Weimin Zhou; received the Pikarsky Award, 2003, for the Best Thesis in Science and Technology; awarded by the Council of University Transportation Centers (CUTC), for the thesis titled, Behavior-based Analysis of Car-Truck Interactions on Freeways.
- Jeong Whon Yu; received the Eric Pas Award, 2002, for the Best Dissertation in Travel Behavior Research; awarded by the International Association for Travel Behavior Research (IATBR), for the dissertation titled, Deployable Hybrid Probabilistic-Possibilistic Driver Route Choice Models for Real-time Network Control using Information Provision Strategies.
- Chao Zhou; received the Pikarsky Award, 2002, for the Best Dissertation in Science and Technology; awarded by the Council of University Transportation Centers (CUTC), for the dissertation titled, Stochastic Dynamic Traffic Assignment for Robust On-line Operations Under Real-time Information Systems.
Dr. Peeta’s students received the following research-related awards when he served as the student’s advisor.
- Gulam Kibria and Spring 2022 VIP sub-team students received honorable mention award, and were one of two finalists for the Institute of Transportation Engineers’ (ITE) nationwide Equitable SimCity Design Competition.
- Sri Viswa Rupa Anne received the 2021 VIP Mentor award from Georgia Tech for the ACT Driving Simulator VIP Course, based on a competition across all Georgia Tech VIP courses.
- Yangjiao Chen received the 2020 WTS Overly Scholarship Award from the Atlanta Chapter.
- Irina Benedyk; joint paper with Dr. Peeta received the Editor’s Choice Award (2019) in journal Maritime Economics & Logistics. Awarded for the paper “A Binary Probit Model to Analyze Freight Transportation Decision-Maker Perspectives for Container Shipping on the Northern Sea Route,” (as specified in Section III).
- Jian Wang received the 2018 College of Engineering Outstanding Graduate Student Research Award from Purdue University. This award recognizes students who have demonstrated excellence in research through peer-reviewed publications, awards for research, leadership, academic achievement and participation in professional societies.
- Dong Yoon Song received the 2018 ITS Michigan Scholar Award from the Intelligent Transportation Society of Michigan for the best student poster presentation at the 2018 Global Symposium on Connected and Automated Transportation and Infrastructure, Ann Arbor, MI. It was awarded in recognition of the work titled “Effects of Cognitive Load on Driver Satisfaction Under Real-Time Travel Information Provision,” by Dong Yoon Song and Srinivas Peeta. The CCAT Student Poster Competition was held at the 2018 Global Symposium on Connected and Automated Vehicles and Infrastructure, sponsored by the USDOT Center for Connected and Automated Transportation, in Ann Arbor, MI, on March 7-8, 2018. Dong received an award check and certificate plaque for this award.
- Yong Hoon Kim received the INFORMS ITS Best Presentation Award, 2014, from the Transportation Science and Logistics Society of INFORMS. The award is based on technical merit and quality of presentation, and is for the paper titled “Modeling the Spatiotemporal Propagation of Information in Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communications,” by Yong Hoon Kim, Xiaozheng He and Srinivas Peeta.
- Amit Kumar was one of four finalists for the INFORMS ITS Best Presentation Award, 2014, from the Transportation Science and Logistics Society of INFORMS. The paper is titled “Entropy Weighted Average Method for the Determination of a Single Representative Path Flow Solution for the Static Deterministic User Equilibrium Traffic Assignment Problem,” by Amit Kumar and Srinivas Peeta.