July 2, 1964
Event Details
Date: July 2, 1964
Summary: On this day, Lyndon B Johnson signs the Civil Rights Act which mandated that any business open to the public cannot discriminate by race.
“ Lyndon B Johnson: “Its purpose is not to punish. Its purpose is not to divide, but to end divisions, divisions which have lasted too long” ”
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“ This Civil Rights Act is a challenge to all of us to go to work in our communities and our states, in our homes and in our hearts, to eliminate the last vestiges of injustice in our beloved country. ”
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“ Albert Sampson watching the ceremony from his home in Atlanta: “We were in that path of history at that time. That was a hallelujah moment for us.” ”
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Media/External Links
Civil Rights Act signed – Video
Link to Media Source: https://gtvault.sharepoint.com/sites/PickrickProject/_layouts/15/stream.aspx?id=%2Fsites%2FPickrickProject%2FShared%20Documents%2FResources%2FHistorical%20materials%2FVideos%2FVideo%5FCivil%20Right%20Act%20Signed%2DExcerpt%2Emov&referrer=StreamWebApp%2EWeb&referrerScenario=AddressBarCopied%2Eview