July 10, 1964
Event Details
Date: July 10, 1964
Summary: Lester Maddox is called to a court hearing over a misdemeanor charge related to the incident at the Pickrick where he allegedly brandished a gun. He denies pointing a gun at anyone but asserts his right to defend his property.
“Called to a court hearing over a misdemeanor charge that he put a gun to Willis’s face and at Dunn’s back, Maddox turned out to the courtroom backed by a wall of supporters. They listened as he told the judge he never pointed a gun in anyone’s face, contradicting the testimony Willis had given earlier that he had indeed threatened him with a pistol. “I’m not saying I wouldn’t do so to protect my life, my liberty, and my property” ”
Greene, Ronnie. Heart of Atlanta: Five Black Pastors and the Supreme Court Victory for Integration (pp. 96). Chicago Review Press. Kindle Edition.
Media/External Links

Rights Act Test Set in Restaurant Case
Link to Media Source: https://www.nytimes.com/1964/07/10/archives/rights-act-test-set-in-restaurant-case.html