July 11, 1964
Event Details
Date: July 11, 1964
Summary: An Atlanta Times story on July 11, 1964, reported on Maddox’s press conference in which he vowed to go to jail rather than comply with the new civil rights law. The Atlanta Inquirer of July 11, 1964, included an editorial about Maddox’s court appearance on his gun charge; Atlanta news accounts reported on the hearing.
“Called to a court hearing over a misdemeanor charge that he put a gun to Willis’s face and at Dunn’s back, Maddox turned out to the courtroom backed by a wall of supporters. They listened as he told the judge he never pointed a gun in anyone’s face, contradicting the testimony Willis had given earlier that he had indeed threatened him with a pistol. “I’m not saying I wouldn’t do so to protect my life, my liberty, and my property” ”
Greene, Ronnie. Heart of Atlanta: Five Black Pastors and the Supreme Court Victory for Integration (pp. 96). Chicago Review Press. Kindle Edition.
Media/External Links
Rights Act Test Set in Restaurant Case
Link to Media Source: https://www.nytimes.com/1964/07/10/archives/rights-act-test-set-in-restaurant-case.html