July 4, 1964
Event Details
Date: July 4, 1964
Summary: Maddox organizes a segregationist rally in a city park attended by over eleven thousand people, including prominent segregationist figures such as Ross Barnett and George Wallace. Black protesters who attend the rally are attacked by white participants.
“ At Pickrick, Maddox wrote the following on the We are Closed for the Holiday sign: And remember this, we are segregated,” Maddox wrote,“and according to the U.S. Constitution we will always be that way.” ”
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“ Protesters gathered at Leb’s and another restaurant, singing freedom songs and refusing to leave, prompting police intervention and arrests. Around one thousand White spectators came to the protest, which ended in injuries, property damage, and a negative impact on Atlanta’s reputation. The ministers sought refuge in the office of civil rights lawyer William Alexander, who later became a Georgia legislator and judge ”
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Media/External Links

Lester Maddox
Link to Media Source: https://www.georgiaencyclopedia.org/articles/arts-culture/lester-maddox-1915-2003/