2023 – Viral Molecular Dynamics
The 2023 QBioS workshop was organized by the 2023 cohort of QBioS Ph.D. students, Professor Joshua Weitz, Professor James C. Gumbart, and 2023 InQuBATE fellows. It consisted of an opening lecture from Professor Juan Perilla discussing computational methods for understanding the molecular dynamics of retroviruses. It also had many hands-on tutorials for implementing machine learning methods for exploring these dynamics.

2022 – Stochastic Gene Expression
The 2022 QBioS workshop was organized by the 2022 cohort of QBioS Ph.D. students, Professor Joshua Weitz, Professor James C. Gumbart, and 2022 InQuBATE fellows. It consisted of an opening lecture on the core principles behind stochastic gene expression by Dr. Adriana Lucia-Sanz, Georgia Tech, and a plenary lecture by Professor Ido Golding, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). It also consisted of hands-on tutorials on implementing computational stochastic models of gene expression.

2021 – Epidemic Modeling
The 2021 QBioS workshop was organized virtually by the 2021 cohort of QBioS Ph.D. students, Professor Joshua Weitz and Professor James C. Gumbart. It consisted of an opening plenary lecture on the core principles behind infection and disease spread by Professor Sarah Cobey, University of Chicago. This was followed by hands-on tutorials to implement computational deterministic and stochastic models of epidemics and a tutorial on building an interactive dashboard for exploring epidemics models by Applied Bioinformatics Laboratory (ABiL). The workshop was concluded with a plenary lecture by Professor Sam Scarpino, Northeastern University.

2020 – Epidemic Modeling
The 2020 QBioS workshop was organized virtually during the pandemic by the 2020 cohort of QBioS Ph.D. students and Professor Joshua Weitz on the core principles behind infection and disease spread with hands-on tutorials to implement computational deterministic and stochastic models of epidemics.

2019 – Microbial Games
The third installment of the QBioS modeling workshop was conducted by the 2019 cohort of QBioS Ph.D. students and Professor Joshua Weitz on the game theory of microbes with hands-on tutorials to build simulations of microbial games. The workshop also involved talks from speakers: Professor William Ratcliff and Professor Peter Yunker.

2018 – Evolutionary Dynamics
The second installment of the QBioS modeling workshop was conducted by the 2018 cohort of QBioS Ph.D. students and Professor Joshua Weitz on the quantitative principles of evolutionary dynamics with hands-on tutorials to build a simulation of evolution in action over experimental time scales.

2017 – Stochastic Gene Expression
The first installment of the QBioS modeling workshop was conducted by the 2017 cohort of QBioS Ph.D. students and Professor Joshua Weitz on the implementation of stochastic models at various scales of living systems with hands-on tutorials for using stochastic models in simulating gene expression in cells.