Frequently Asked Questions

Can I log into Qualtrics with my GT Account Username through the main Qualtrics site?

No, to access the Georgia Tech instance of Qualtrics you must use the specific URL for our instance.

I’m leaving Georgia Tech and I need to give surveys to a different user — is that possible?

Yes, we can transfer surveys easily by request. Of course, ideally, the request should be made by the current survey owner.

I have Qualtrics surveys that exist elsewhere (in another university’s Qualtrics instance or in the main instance available from and want to bring them into Georgia Tech’s Qualtrics instance — can I do that?

Yes, the simplest way is to use the Tools -> Import/Export feature within Qualtrics to export from the other instance and import to Georgia Tech’s instance.

Can I share editing/administration capabilities (a.k.a. “collaborate”) on surveys within Qualtrics?

Yes, that’s easily done within Qualtrics.

Note 1: Only users who have logged into the Georgia Tech Qualtrics instance will appear in the “User and Group Address Book” — if you seek to collaborate with someone and they do not appear there, ask them to log in the first time.

Note 2: It’s possible to collaborate with users outside of Georgia Tech, but they must already have access to a Qualtrics account with collaboration capabilities. (Free Qualtrics accounts available from the company’s site do not have this capability.)

We (a unit within Georgia Tech) would like to have a custom theme for our surveys — is that possible?

Our license limits us to 3 custom themes, which is of course not enough for every interested unit to have its own, so generally, we ask that people use the generic Georgia Tech theme (or any of the other Qualtrics themes). (The SLS theme that you may see got into place before we understood the limitation.) It’s also possible to create custom headers and footers or use custom CSS to create customizations.

Can I create groups for sharing/collaborating on surveys or to share content?

You cannot create a group yourself by default, but you can request the creation of a “division” for your unit and designate a unit administrator, and then that unit administrator can create groups within your division.

For those interested in the technical details, Qualtrics provides documentation on creating user divisions in Qualtrics.

How do I prevent Qualtrics from collecting IP addresses?

If you do not wish to collect IP addresses when using Qualtrics, please see the Qualtrics page for step-by-step instructions to anonymize responses.

I’m an IT Support Person.  How does Qualtrics Interface with GT Account Usernames?

The gory details: The Georgia Tech Qualtrics instance is integrated with GT login via Shibboleth. Access is controlled by the GTED attribute gtAccountEntitlement=/gt/departmental/iac/qualtrics/enabled, which is in turn populated by the corresponding GRS role.