
  1. Network-wide Emissions Estimation Using the MFD   June 2020 – Present

Role: Principal Investigator in collaboration with Prof. Jorge Laval

  • Developing a new model for emissions and energy consumption estimation using MFD
  • Developing control strategies using the MFD-based emissions estimation model
  1. A Simplified Theory of Urban Congestion   April 2017 – Present

Role: Graduate Research Assistant under supervision of Prof. Jorge Laval

  • Estimation of Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram (MFD) over Heterogeneous Urban Road Networks
  • Incorporating the MFD into DTA Models to Find the Optimal Routes over Large-scale Urban Networks

A video of the simulation app programmed in Java based on the proposed modeling framework:

  1. Modeling Capacity and Delay in Work Zones    June 2014 – September 2015

M.Sc. thesis under supervision of Prof. Habibollah Nassiri

  • Introducing an Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Model for Work Zone Capacity Using 12 Variables
  • Computing Queue Delays Using a Deterministic Traffic Flow Model Based on the Estimated Work
  1. Investigating Passenger Comfort Factor in Highway Vertical Curves    September 2012 – September 2013

B.Sc. thesis under supervision of Prof. Habibollah Nassiri

  • Introducing a New Quartic Formulation for Vertical Curves Based on the Passenger Comfort Factor