Countrywide/Large-scale Assessment of Renewable Energy Resources Hosting Capacity and Flexibility Requirements of the Power Distribution Grids in the USA using Synthetic Models
(funded by Swiss National Science Foundation) [link]
The aim of the project is to build realistic synthetic models of electricity distribution networks that can be characterized as a function of geo-specific factors such as the density of electricity demand, weather conditions, types of regions (urban or rural), topography, etc. We will then use these synthetic networks to calculate their capacity to accommodate renewable energies, using a tool developed as part of this project. In addition, we will also develop an optimal planning tool to optimize the amount of energy storage and network reinforcement required to increase the capacity of existing networks. These analyses will enable engineers to design future electricity networks and policymakers to make informed decisions on different energy system policies for different regions of the country.

MESH4U (co-funded by European Union’s Horizon 2020 and ERA-Net Smart Energy Systems) link
Experimental validation of a grid-aware dispatching framework by utilizing the flexibility from electric vehicle charging stations (EVCS).
SWEET PATHFNDR (funding agency: Swiss Federal Office of Energy’s “SWEET’’ program) link
Modeling and control of multi-energy systems. Validation of multi-grid dispatch framework.
REEL Demonstrator (funding agency: Swiss Federal Office of Energy’s “SCCER-FURIES’’ program) link
- Validation of OPF-based real-time control algorithm on a real-life medium voltage distribution network in Aigle, Switzerland, hosting 2.5MWh/1.5MW battery storage capacity, 3.2MWp photovoltaic, 3.4 MVA hydro and 2.8MW base demand.
- Development of the software for the operation of the battery energy storage system for real-time control.
Joint Activity Scenario and Modelling (funding agency: Swiss Federal Office of Energy, Innosuisse) link
- Providing a set of robust scenarios for realizing the Swiss Energy Strategy 2050.
- Assessment of photovoltaic generation hosting capacity for the power distribution networks of Switzerland.
- Computing cost-optimal placement of energy storage systems for different levels of photovoltaic generation.