Building for Equity and Sustainability

The Building for Equity and Sustainability Vertically Integrated Project (VIP) explores the community and environmental impact of Georgia Tech’s built campus, and its surrounding partner communities. This VIP is divided into three subteams that evaluate shortcomings in the built community and develop solutions to promote equity and sustainability as primary foci in the land development process. Read More

Why is Equitable Infrastructure Important?

Most sustainable land development projects don’t consider how their structures and spaces might impact the surrounding communities, and how those communities might use the space. In Atlanta, minority groups face disproportionately adverse effects when developers fail to assess the economic impact that their new constructions have on existing communities. Equity assessments take into account transportation, disabilities, socioeconomic status, and other personal and communal factors that may lead certain groups of people to have different experiences when interacting with their built environment.



Incorporate equity as a primary objective in sustainable architecture design at Georgia Tech.


Advance the Institute’s diversity and inclusion goals by engaging underrepresented students in the Kendeda Building.


Collaborate with partner communities around Georgia Tech to advance Equity and Sustainability in the built environment.


Influence the sustainable building sector to incorporate equity as a goal in their rating systems.