ICRA 2024

IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation | May 13 – 17

Robotics research is part of the next wave of computing innovation and is key to shaping how artificial intelligence will become part of our lives. Meet the Georgia Tech experts who are charting a path forward. #ICRA2024

The IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation is a premier global venue for robotics research. Georgia Tech is a top contributor to the technical program. Discover the people who are leading robotics research in the era of artificial intelligence.


Georgia Tech at ICRA 2024

Explore Georgia Tech’s experts and the organizations they are working with at ICRA.

Partner Organizations

Boston Dynamic AI Institute • Bowery Farming • California Institute of Technology • Carnegie Mellon University • Concordia University • Emory University • ETH Zurich • Georgia Tech • Google • Hello Robot • Honda Research Institute, USA • Intel • Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology • Long School of Medicine • Meta • Massachusetts Institute of Technology • Morehouse College • Motional • Parkinson’s Foundation • Politecnico Di Milano • Sandia National Laboratories • SkyMul • Southern University of Science and Technology • Stanford University • Toyota Research Institute • UC Berkeley • UC San Diego • University of Copenhagen • University of Maryland, College Park • University of Michigan • University of Modena and Reggio Emilia • University of North Carolina, Charlotte • University of Toronto • University of Washington • ZOOX


Best Paper Finalist Paper

The Big Picture

Georgia Tech’s 38 papers in the technical program include one best paper award finalist, from the School of Interactive Computing, with faculty contributions led by the College of Computing. Among the institute’s colleges, half of the faculty come from computing (12), with the other half from engineering and the sciences. The School of Interactive Computing has the most faculty experts, with 10.

Search for people and organizations in the chart below. The first column shows Georgia Tech-led teams. Each row is an entire team, with the label showing the first author’s name. Explore more now.

Explore Research

Georgia Tech faculty and students are participating across the ICRA technical program. Explore their latest robotics work and results during the week starting May 12. Total contributions to the papers program includes 38 papers, with one best paper award finalist.

Cognitive Robotics Session

Naoki Yokoyama, Sehoon Ha, Dhruv Batra, Jiuguang Wang, Bernadette Bucher

Understanding how humans leverage semantic knowledge to navigate unfamiliar environments and decide where to explore next is pivotal for developing robots capable of human-like search behaviors. We introduce a zero-shot navigation approach, Vision-Language Frontier Maps (VLFM), which is inspired by human reasoning and designed to navigate towards unseen semantic objects in novel environments. VLFM builds occupancy maps from depth observations to identify frontiers, and leverages RGB observations and a pre-trained vision-language model to generate a language-grounded value map. VLFM then uses this map to identify the most promising frontier to explore for finding an instance of a given target object category. We evaluate VLFM in photo-realistic environments from the Gibson, Habitat-Matterport 3D (HM3D), and Matterport 3D (MP3D) datasets within the Habitat simulator. Remarkably, VLFM achieves state-of-the-art results on all three datasets as measured by success weighted by path length (SPL) for the Object Goal Navigation task. Furthermore, we show that VLFM’s zero-shot nature enables it to be readily deployed on real-world robots such as the Boston Dynamics Spot mobile manipulation platform. We deploy VLFM on Spot and demonstrate its capability to efficiently navigate to target objects within an office building in the real world, without any prior knowledge of the environment. The accomplishments of VLFM underscore the promising potential of vision-language models in advancing the field of semantic navigation. Videos of real world deployment can be viewed at naoki.io/vlfm.

See you in Yokohama!

Development: College of Computing, Institute for Robotics and Intelligent Machines (IRIM)
Project Lead/Data Graphics: Joshua Preston
Data Management: Christa Ernst, Joni Isbell
Live Event Updates: Christa Ernst